The executable error is occurring because the script is marked setuid 
instead of just executable.  The message is incorrect -- I'll fix it in 
the next version.  However (IIRC), I don't believe the setuid bit has 
any effect on scripts in Linux environments.

The encrypted authentication failure is not a problem, as long as your 
spamdyke configuration doesn't specify encryption in the 
"smtp-auth-level" option.

spamdyke's "config-test" didn't find any problems with your TLS 
certificate but you're getting TLS errors when spamdyke actually runs... 
this looks like a permission problem to me.  Try running spamdyke's 
"config-test" feature again with the "run-as-user" flag to force 
spamdyke to use the qmaild user instead.  spamdyke will likely report it 
can't access the certificate file.

-- Sam Clippinger

David Bo Jensen wrote:
> Running the config test gave me some ERRORS.  I added access-file and 
> local-domains-file to my config file
> in order to remove some of them. Here is my result but remember I was root.
> :/etc# /usr/local/bin/spamdyke -l -f 
> /etc/spamdyke-smtps.conf --config-test-smtpauth-username 
> user --config-test-smtpauth-password password --config-test 
> /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1
> spamdyke 4.0.10+TLS+CONFIGTEST+DEBUG (C)2008 Sam Clippinger, samc (at) 
> silence (dot) org
> Use -h for an option summary or see README.html for complete option details.
> Testing configuration...
> WARNING: Running tests as superuser root(0), group root(0). These test 
> results may not be valid if the mail server runs as another user.
> SUCCESS: spamdyke binary (/usr/local/bin/spamdyke) is not owned by root 
> and/or is not marked setuid.
> INFO: Running command to test capabilities: /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd
> SUCCESS: /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd does not appear to offer TLS support. 
> spamdyke will offer, intercept and decrypt TLS traffic.
> SUCCESS: /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd does not appear to offer SMTP AUTH support. 
> spamdyke will offer and process authentication.
> INFO(access-file): Testing file read: /etc/spam-relays
> SUCCESS(access-file): Opened for reading: /etc/spam-relays
> INFO(config-file): Testing file read: /etc/spamdyke-smtps.conf
> SUCCESS(config-file): Opened for reading: /etc/spamdyke-smtps.conf
> INFO(local-domains-file): Testing file read: /etc/qmail/rcpthosts
> SUCCESS(local-domains-file): Opened for reading: /etc/qmail/rcpthosts
> INFO(smtp-auth-level): Examining authentication command: /usr/bin/ 
> /bin/true
> ERROR(smtp-auth-level): File is not executable: /usr/bin/ Owner 
> permissions apply but owner executable bit is not set
> Is this not good enough?
>>> -rwSr-x--- 1 root qmaild    38 2009-09-24 21:26
> INFO(smtp-auth-level): Running authentication command with unencrypted 
> input: /usr/bin/ /bin/true
> SUCCESS(smtp-auth-level): Authentication succeeded with unencrypted input: 
> /usr/bin/ /bin/true
> INFO(smtp-auth-level): Running authentication command with encrypted input: 
> /usr/bin/ /bin/true
> ERROR: authentication failure (bad username/password, vchkpw uses this to 
> indicate SMTP access is not allowed): user
> ERROR(smtp-auth-level): Authentication failed with encrypted input: 
> /usr/bin/ /bin/true
> Is that a problem? I am using unencrypted login
> INFO(tls-certificate-file): Testing TLS by initializing SSL/TLS library with 
> certificate and key
> SUCCESS(tls-certificate-file): Opened for reading: 
> /etc/ssl/certs/stunnel.pem
> SUCCESS(tls-certificate-file): Certificate and key loaded; SSL/TLS library 
> successfully initialized
> ERROR: Tests complete. Errors detected.
> When spamdyke runs as qmaild, my mail client tells me that the connection 
> was closed and in /var/log/ I get
> Sep 25 17:36:01 alleservices spamdyke[12289]: ERROR: unable to load SSL/TLS 
> certificate from file: /etc/ssl/certs/stunnel.pem : The operation failed due 
> to an I/O error, Unexpected EOF found, 
> error:0200100D:lib(2):func(1):reason(13), 
> error:20074002:lib(32):func(116):reason(2), 
> error:140DC002:lib(20):func(220):reason(2)
> Sep 25 17:36:01 alleservices spamdyke[12289]: ERROR: incorrect SSL/TLS 
> private key password or SSL/TLS certificate/privatekey 
> mismatch/etc/ssl/certs/stunnel.pem : A protocol or library failure occurred, 
> error:140A80B1:lib(20):func(168):reason(177)
> Sep 25 17:36:01 alleservices spamdyke[12289]: ERROR: unable to initialize 
> SSL/TLS library
> Sep 25 17:36:01 alleservices spamdyke[12289]: ERROR: unable to start SMTPS 
> because TLS support is not available or an SSL/TLS certificate is not 
> available; closing connection
> This is very much the same errors I get if stunnel.pem is wrongly generated. 
> (ex. missing certificate)
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Sam Clippinger" <>
> To: "spamdyke users" <>
> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 5:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [spamdyke-users] I can hardly make a SMTPS connection
>> OK, I guess I'll bite... why can't you replace `id -u root` with `id -u
>> qmaild`?  Do you get errors?  Does it crash?  Does it malfunction?  I
>> really want to help, but you're not giving enough information to work 
>> with.
>> Have you tried running spamdyke's "config-test" feature to look for
>> problems?
>> -- Sam Clippinger
>> David Bo Jensen wrote:
>>> I solved the problem with
>>> server:/# cat /etc/spamdyke-smtps.conf
>>> log-level=verbose
>>> tls-level=smtps
>>> tls-certificate-file=/etc/ssl/certs/stunnel.pem
>>> filter-level=require-auth
>>> smtp-auth-level=ondemand
>>> smtp-auth-command=/usr/bin/ /bin/true
>>> relay-level=normal
>>> please notice the "filter-level", further more I have
>>> server:/etc# cat tcp.smtps
>>> :allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
>>> However I have another issue. First look at
>>> server:/etc/ssl/certs# ls -la stunnel.pem
>>> -rw-r----- 1 root qmaild 2402 2009-09-23 10:03 stunnel.pem
>>> and /usr/bin
>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   12360 2007-06-30 11:52 checkpassword
>>> -rwSr-x--- 1 root qmaild    38 2009-09-24 21:26
>>> is a wrapper for checkpassword
>>> In /etc/init.d/qmail
>>>          sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmaild \
>>>             --pidfile /var/run/ --make-pidfile \
>>>             --exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- -R -H \
>>>             -u `id -u root` -g `id -g nobody` -x /etc/tcp.smtps.cdb 0 
>>> smtps
>>> \
>>>             $rblsmtpd2 /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 \
>>>             | $logger &"
>>> ($rblsmtpd2 is spamdyke see the whole file below.)
>>> I cannot replace `id -u root`  with `id -u qmaild` why? It would be nice 
>>> if
>>> spamdyke didn't have to run with root permissions for SSL connections.
>>>  I am using debian etch 2.6.18. Please also notice my other thread about
>>> missing loggings for authentication.
>>> server:/usr/bin# cat /etc/init.d/qmail
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> #
>>> # /etc/init.d/qmail : start or stop the qmail mail subsystem.
>>> #
>>> # Written by Christian Hudon <>
>>> # Currently maintained by Jon Marler <>
>>> #
>>> # Configuration
>>> #
>>> # set default delivery method
>>> #alias_empty="|/usr/sbin/qmail-procmail"  # procmail delivery to
>>> /var/spool/mail
>>> alias_empty="./Maildir/"       # This uses qmail prefered ~/Maildir/
>>> directory
>>>                                 # You may want to maildirmake
>>> /etc/skel/Maildir
>>> #alias_empty="./Mailbox"        # This uses Mailbox file in users $HOME
>>> logger="splogger qmail 2"       # facility mail == 2
>>> #logger="|accustamp >>/var/log/qmail.log"   # If you have accustamp
>>> installed.
>>> #logger=">>/var/log/qmail.log"              # Does not give timing info.
>>> # If you uncommented one of the lines that appends to /var/log/qmail.log,
>>> you
>>> # need to uncomment the following two lines.
>>> #touch /var/log/qmail.log
>>> #chown qmaill /var/log/qmail.log
>>> # If you want to use one or more of the Relay Black Lists, uncomment
>>> # the appropriate lines.
>>> rblmsg=
>>> rblsmtpd="/usr/local/bin/spamdyke -l -f /etc/spamdyke.conf"
>>> rblsmtpd2="/usr/local/bin/spamdyke -l -f /etc/spamdyke-smtps.conf"
>>> #rblmsg=" (with rblsmtpd)"
>>> #rblsmtpd="/usr/bin/rblsmtpd -r -r"
>>> #
>>> # End of configuration
>>> #
>>> test -x /usr/sbin/qmail-start || exit 0
>>> test -x /usr/sbin/qmail-send || exit 0
>>> case "$1" in
>>>     start)
>>>         echo -n "Starting mail-transfer agent: qmail" $rblmsg
>>>         sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmails \
>>>                  --exec /usr/sbin/qmail-send \
>>>                  --startas /usr/sbin/qmail-start -- \"$alias_empty\" 
>>> $logger
>>> &"
>>>         # prevent denial-of-service attacks, with ulimit
>>>         ulimit -v 16384
>>>          sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmaild \
>>>             --pidfile /var/run/ --make-pidfile \
>>>             --exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- -R -H \
>>>             -u `id -u qmaild` -g `id -g nobody` -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 
>>> smtp
>>> \
>>>             $rblsmtpd /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 \
>>>             | $logger &"
>>>          sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmaild \
>>>             --pidfile /var/run/ --make-pidfile \
>>>             --exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- -R -H \
>>>             -u `id -u root` -g `id -g nobody` -x /etc/tcp.smtps.cdb 0 
>>> smtps
>>> \
>>>             $rblsmtpd2 /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 \
>>>             | $logger &"
>>>          #Uncomment the following lines to automatically start the pop3
>>> server
>>>         sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user root \
>>>             --pidfile /var/run/ --make-pidfile \
>>>             --exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- -R -H \
>>>             0 pop-3 /usr/sbin/qmail-popup `hostname`.`dnsdomainname` \
>>>             /usr/bin/checkpassword /usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &"
>>>         sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user root \
>>>             --pidfile /var/run/ --make-pidfile \
>>>             --exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- -R -H \
>>>             0 995 /usr/bin/stunnel -f -l /usr/sbin/qmail-popup --
>>> qmail-popup `hostname`.`dnsdomainname` \
>>>             /usr/bin/checkpassword /usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &"
>>>         echo "."
>>>         ;;
>>>     stop)
>>>         echo -n "Stopping mail-transfer agent: qmail" $rblmsg
>>>         if [ "`pidof /usr/sbin/qmail-send`" ] ; then
>>>             start-stop-daemon --user 
>>> qmails --stop --quiet --oknodo --exec
>>> /usr/sbin/qmail-send
>>>             start-stop-daemon --user
>>> qmaild --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile 
>>> /var/run/ --exec
>>> /usr/bin/tcpserver
>>>             start-stop-daemon --user
>>> qmaild --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
>>> /var/run/ --exec /usr/bin/tcpserver
>>>             # Uncomment the following line if you have enabled the pop3
>>> server
>>>             start-stop-daemon --user 
>>> root --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
>>> /var/run/ --exec /usr/bin/tcpserver
>>>             start-stop-daemon --user 
>>> root --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile
>>> /var/run/ --exec /usr/bin/tcpserver
>>>             # Wait until the timeout for qmail processes to die.
>>>             count=120
>>>             numdots=0
>>>             while ([ $count != 0 ]) do
>>>                 let count=$count-1
>>>                 if [ "`pidof /usr/sbin/qmail-send`" ] ; then
>>>                     echo -n .
>>>                     let numdots=$numdots+1
>>>                     sleep 1
>>>                 else
>>>                     count=0
>>>                 fi
>>>             done
>>>             # If it's not dead yet, kill it.
>>> #           if [ "`pidof /usr/sbin/qmail-send`" ] ; then
>>> #               echo -n " TIMEOUT!"
>>> #               kill -KILL `pidof /usr/sbin/qmail-send`
>>> #           else
>>>                 case $numdots in
>>>                   0) echo "." ;;
>>>                   1) echo ;;
>>>                   *) echo " done." ;;
>>>                 esac
>>> #           fi
>>>         else
>>>             echo " not running.";
>>>         fi
>>>         ;;
>>>     restart)
>>>         $0 stop
>>>         $0 start
>>>         ;;
>>>     cdb)
>>>         echo "Rebuilding tcp.smtp.cdb."
>>>         cd /etc
>>>         tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.temp < tcp.smtp
>>>         ;;
>>>     flush)
>>>         /usr/sbin/qmail-tcpok
>>>         start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --signal ALRM --exec
>>> /usr/sbin/qmail-send
>>>         echo "Queue flushed."
>>>         ;;
>>>     stat)
>>>         /usr/sbin/qmail-qread
>>>         /usr/sbin/qmail-qstat
>>>         ;;
>>>     reload|force-reload)
>>>         echo "Reloading 'locals' and 'virtualdomains' control files."
>>>         start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --signal HUP --exec
>>> /usr/sbin/qmail-send
>>>         ;;
>>>     *)
>>>         echo 'Usage: /etc/init.d/qmail 
>>> {start|stop|stat|cdb|restart|reload}'
>>>         exit 1
>>> esac
>>> exit 0
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Sam Clippinger" <>
>>> To: "spamdyke users" <>
>>> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 5:34 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [spamdyke-users] I can hardly make a SMTPS connection
>>>> I don't think I understand enough about your setup to answer this
>>>> question. Could you post your full startup script and full spamdyke
>>>> configuration file? Also, what operating system and version are you
>>>> using? Have you tried running spamdyke's "config-test" feature? Is
>>>> spamdyke logging any errors?
>>>> -- Sam Clippinger
>>>> David Bo Jensen wrote:
>>>>> It seems to be a client (I am using Outlook express) issue changing the
>>>>> port
>>>>> to 465 and removing unlinit somewhat solved the issue.
>>>>> But in I have
>>>>> grep spamdyke /var/log/
>>>>> Sep 22 07:46:17 server spamdyke[4311]: ALLOWED from:
>>>>> to:
>>>>> origin_ip: origin_rdns: (unknown) auth:
>>>>> (unknown)
>>>>> It doesn't ask for authentication is enveloped in the ssl
>>>>> protocol. In fact in many cases users will be able to use my server as
>>>>> open
>>>>> relay. That is not what intended
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