* Eric Shubert <e...@shubes.net> [2010-02-14]:
> Hans F. Nordhaug wrote:
> > * Sam Clippinger <s...@silence.org> [2010-02-13]:
> >> The incorrect directories are not a problem, they're just out of place.  
> >> No legitimate deliveries will match those paths, so they won't get in 
> >> the way.  You can delete them or ignore them as you wish.
> > 
> > OK. Just a thought: Is this something that could be added to the prune 
> > script that was posted on the list some days ago?
> I believe that the script will remove them once they age past the 
> graylist-max-secs setting. If that's not the case, I'd be glad to modify 
> the script so that it does.

I can confirm that the script removes these files when they age beyond
the graylist-max-secs setting. However, the directory seems to stick
around - because of the wrong structure? Example:

I had /var/spamdyke/graylist/kompakt.no/gvt.net.br/vuaqanipos2110
before running the script. Afterwards, I have an empty directory
/var/spamdyke/graylist/kompakt.no/gvt.net.br I guess the
problem is that the script can't know that "gvt.net.br" isn't the
local part of a kompakt.no address (unless it takes into account that
there are only three address parts).

Originally, I was just wondering if the script could be extended so it
removes these files no matter what age? 

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