As I understand the greylisting concept in spamdyke there are generated 
zero-length entries for 1st connection. And, if there later comes in a further 
connection the ip address is filled into this file.

Now, my problem is, that the greylisting directories fills up with millions of 
entries. That are heavy loaded servers, so to get best performance all these is 
done within a tmpfs filesystem in ram (/var/qmail/spamdyke/). This works really 
fine, but I became the problem that this fs runs out of free inodes. We ran the 
script 'qtp-prune-graylist' to clear the greylist diretory every hour. My 
question is:

Why are the 0-Byte-Files (no second connection comes in ever) laying around in 
the same way as directories and used files ? Would'nt it make sense to delete 
these empty greylisting files much more earlies than those diretories or used 
files ? I change the 'qtp-prune-graylist' script to delete zero length files 
instead of graylist-max-secs= time after 24h. Is there any argument not to do 
this ?

Lutz Petersen

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