David Miller wrote:
> From: Andrew Walrond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:02:08 +0100
>> So, Sun really _don't_ give a damn about gnu/linux on sparc64.
> That is a gross mischaracterization of the situation, don't
> say this, it isn't true at all.
> I have a full rack of Niagara systems that proves that Sun
> cares to some extent.  I get early hardware access and
> documentation access, plus engineers to talk to and ask
> questions of.

With all due respect to your incredible efforts, this amounts to crumbs
from their table.

When, a multi-billion dollar company allocate ZERO development personnel
to support their flagship platform on gnu/linux, I believe the reality
of the situation is self evident.

> I know what you are after, and it doesn't happen overnight.  So don't

Indeed; just perhaps a transcript of this thread will end up on an
influential desk, and just maybe they will understand the absurdity of
the situation.

For myself; I had no idea I was so transparent ;)

> be spastic and just whine as the only possible effect that will have
> is to scare them off and put Sun in reverse gear instead of continuing
> forward.

I'll not bite on the first part; If you reread the thread I think you'd
have to agree that 'spastic whining' is "a gross mischaracterization of
the situation".

As to the second part; Sun are certainly 'bigger' than that.

Andrew Walrond
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