Andrew Walrond wrote:
David Miller wrote:
From: Andrew Walrond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:02:08 +0100

So, Sun really _don't_ give a damn about gnu/linux on sparc64.
That is a gross mischaracterization of the situation, don't
say this, it isn't true at all.

I have a full rack of Niagara systems that proves that Sun
cares to some extent.  I get early hardware access and
documentation access, plus engineers to talk to and ask
questions of.

With all due respect to your incredible efforts, this amounts to crumbs
from their table.

When, a multi-billion dollar company allocate ZERO development personnel
to support their flagship platform on gnu/linux, I believe the reality
of the situation is self evident.

I know what you are after, and it doesn't happen overnight.  So don't

Indeed; just perhaps a transcript of this thread will end up on an
influential desk, and just maybe they will understand the absurdity of
the situation.

For myself; I had no idea I was so transparent ;)

be spastic and just whine as the only possible effect that will have
is to scare them off and put Sun in reverse gear instead of continuing

I'll not bite on the first part; If you reread the thread I think you'd
have to agree that 'spastic whining' is "a gross mischaracterization of
the situation".

As to the second part; Sun are certainly 'bigger' than that.

Andrew Walrond
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reread David's email until you realise you're not helping by spouting accusations and then afterwards please publicly apologise so that Sun doesn't begin to think what it is doing is unwanted and withdraw it because it is causing them more illwill from unappreciative people instead of goodwill for building bridges with non-commercial OS and projects. I am a simple user here, no hacker or developer and even I know how out of line you are Andrew.

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