I can only speak for the database search step, but I've never seen any 
of the major search engines use more than a gig of RAM on a high-end 
data set (~30k spectra) with a large database (UniRef-100 FTW!). As long 
as there is free physical RAM at all times during a search, adding more 
RAM is not going to speed things up noticeably. If you start using a box 
for multiple purposes (i.e. hosting multiple servers, VMs, etc.) that's 
when you need to bump up the RAM and usually go 64-bit on the OS 
(although not necessarily on the applications).


AndrewK wrote:
> Thanks Matt. It was my assumption that 32bit apps generally have no
> problem running on Vista. I guess the issue is they cannot take
> advantage of the additional processing bandwidth (?).
> Memory limitations on 32 bit platforms appears to be 4Gb per
> processor. Is this a wrong assumption?  The duo core chips can take no
> more than 8Gb DDR DIMMS, whereas Xeons can go way higher, but If it is
> a 32bit application, does the Xeon access all of the memory available
> to the quad processors while running that 32bit app? In other words,
> would you have to have more than 16 Gb of memory on a Xeon to get
> similar performance to a duo core with 8Mb? Those larger memory
> architectures get pricey fast (though I guess the xeons have bigger L2
> cache as well).
> Memory seems to be an important consideration in getting faster search
> times, but can 32bit applications actually utilize more than 4Gb of
> that 8Gb of memory? If not, then it seems that You have to go Xeon
> with more than 16Mb of memory to get faster searches (and similar Xeon
> clock speeds are more pricey than the same speeds on the duo core
> chips).
> I just don't want to make a stupid mistake.
> On Sep 3, 11:37 am, Matthew Chambers <matthew.chamb...@vanderbilt.edu>
> wrote:
>> Speaking for ProteoWizard, I run Vista 64-bit at home and the 32-bit
>> binaries work fine. I haven't dared to compile the 64-bit binaries
>> because they wouldn't work with the vendor DLLs anyway. I suspect TPP's
>> 32-bit binaries will work fine as well.
>> -Matt
>> AndrewK wrote:
>>> I don't see hardware or OS limitations for the Windows version(s) of
>>> SPCtools. I'll be using Extract_MSN (as well as ReAdW), and am
>>> ordering a computer for this platform.
>>> Is Vista 64bit OK?
>>> Andrew
>>> UMKC-Proteomics
>>> Kansas City
> >

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