
Try setting the "msms_run_summary base_name" and "search_summary base_name"
to the name of the mzXML file.  In your example below, have both
"base_name=e120823DC_EC_04"and make sure e120823DC_EC_04.mzXML exists in
the same directory as the interact.pep.xml.

See if that works to allow you to view the spectra.

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Chris McKennan <> wrote:

> To clarify, I am using Sorcerer (from Sage-N) located on a different
> drive. So, in order to take full advantage of TPP, I have to convert the
> .out files into a pep.xml file that can be read peptide prophet, inter
> prophet, and protein prophet. The problem I am having is then being able to
> view the Spectra in the interact.pep.xml viewer, since no where in original
> Sequest->TPP input did it specify a path for either the .dta or .mzXML file
> (it only asks for the .out files and a parameter file).
> I have tried to manually incorporate a path to the mzXML in the
> interact.pep.xml by using:
> <msms_run_summary
> base_name="c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ISB\data\EColi\e120823_EC_1uL\SorcererTests\Parametric"
> search_engine="Sequest" msManufacturer="Thermo Scientific" msModel="LTQ
> Orbitrap Elite" msIonization="nanoelectrospray" msMassAnalyzer="radial
> ejection linear ion trap" msDetector="electron multiplier"
> raw_data_type="raw" raw_data=".mzXML">
> <parameter name="spectrum, path"
> value="c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ISB\data\EColi\e120823_EC_1uL\SorcererTests\Parametric\e120823DC_EC_04.mzXML"/>
> (My hope in doing this is to be able to combine multiple analyses into a
> interact.iproph.pep.xml and be able to view the spectra there).
> Is there any way to manipulate the interact.pep.xml further so I can view
> the spectra? Thank you in advance
> -Chris McKennan

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