Hi Jason, 
Thank you for your answer. I just want to assure myself - is it possible to 
do this like selecting two or more files (pep.xml after a tandem search) in 
TPP with the selection of one interact.pep.xml output file? Since I use the 
Windows TPP this would be the best way if it is ok. 
I appreciate your help, thanks. 

the procedure you wrote the same

Dne pátek, 1. března 2013 17:51:05 UTC+1 Jason Winget napsal(a):
> Hi Pavel,
> I believe that the way to merge data is as follows:
>    1. Merge the pep.xml results (from a single search engine) using 
>    InteractParser into an "interact.pep.xml"
>    2. Run RefreshParser on the interact.pep.xml
>    3. Continue the TPP pipeline (PeptideProphet, iProphet, 
>    ProteinProphet) on the interact.pep.xml
> This should work for either technical replicates or fractionated samples.
> Alternatively I believe the xinteract command will handle a lot of this 
> for you.  Run xinteract (from the command line) without arguments for a 
> comprehensive usage statement.
> You can also get more information here:
> http://tools.proteomecenter.org/wiki/index.php?title=TPP:Developer_Documentation#Running_the_TPP
> Best,
> Jason
> On Thursday, February 28, 2013 1:26:18 PM UTC-8, Pavel wrote:
>> Dear all, 
>> I would like to ask a couple of questions about replicate data processing.  
>> I appreciate any comments on this topic. 
>> 1. What is the best step to „merge data“ for technical replicates in TPP? 
>> For example, I have 5 runs of the same sample (to identify as much 
>> proteins/peptides as possible) and  searched each file against database. 
>> Do I have to select all the files for PeptideProphet analysis and thus 
>> merge them to one pep.xml file? Or do I have to analyse each file 
>> separately and select the five pep.xml files in ProteinProphet with 
>> exporting to one prot.xml file? I tried both the ways and the results 
>> differed  just a bit (only probability values, not proteins identified) 
>> which I guess is due to the different number of spectra/peptides used in 
>> the analysis. I just wonder what is the best way from the statistical point 
>> of view. 
>> 2. The same question as above but when one deals with fractions of the 
>> same sample (e.g., SCX fractions). What is the step in TPP to „merge data“?
>> 3. And what about the combination of fractions and technical replicates?
>> Thanks for your comments, 
>> Pavel
>> PS: I would like to thank the authors of TPP, I have finally installed it 
>> and have to say it is an amazing software. 

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