I've recently noticed some failures when using comet and xtandem! from TPP 
to search some centroided DDA files generated by qtofpeakpicker.  These 
failures were all associated with files > 2GB.  I was able to reduce the 
file size by increasing the threshold which then lead to readmzXML, tandem, 
and comet actually reading the files and searching them.  I'm guessing that 
there's a place in the TPP mzXML code that uses an int (which is 32-bit) 
that's causing this problem.  

I've used TPP 4.8.0 on Windows 7 (installed via the exe provided on 
sourceforge) and built the tpp from the svn on GNU/Linux (centos 7) and 
encountered the same problem.

I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts on where I should start sifting 
through the code? 

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