What is the relationship of this license to the LGPL as published by the
FSF? While the name 'LGPL' is not a trademark, unless this license is
closely related to it, using the name 'LGPL' is bound to cause confusion
(especially because the Lesser part of the LGPL provides additional
freedoms that don't seem to be relevant for data).

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 8:35 AM, Sam Ellis <sam.el...@arm.com> wrote:

>   Some comments on this request:
>  Further background information on the license can be found here:
> http://2009.rmll.info/IMG/pdf/RMLL2009-Sciences-Sebastien_Paumier-LGPLLR.pdf
>  How widespread is the license? Googling for the license name suggests
> that the license is at present very niche, with the primary references
> being in various academic papers. Nonetheless I was able to find a few
> recent (2009, 2010, 2013) examples of software that included this license
> (in addition to those that Cristian listed below).
>  Is the short name sensible? The proposed short name is also how the
> license is abbreviated on various websites I looked at, though there is
> inconsistency as to whether or not a hyphen is present. The license carries
> no obvious version number, so not including a version in the short
> identifier looks correct.
>  Does the license fall under the scope of SPDX? SPDX primarily covers
> "software" licenses, by which I think is usually meant licenses for "code"
> or derivations thereof. This license covers data, but the data is primarily
> for consumption by software, and thus one can expect this data to be found
> in or alongside software releases.
>  What does FOSSology make of the license? FOSSology 2.6.1 reports the
> license as LGPL.
>   From: Cristian Martinez <cristian.marti...@univ-paris-est.fr>
> Date: Friday, 17 April 2015 02:55
> To: "spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org" <spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org>
> Subject: New License/Exception Request
>   Dear Sir or Madam,
> Please find enclosed the requested information supporting the inclusion of
> the LGPL-LR to The SPDX License List.
> *Provide a proposed Full Name for the license or exception.*
> Lesser General Public License for Linguistic Resources
> *Provide a proposed Short Identifier.*
> * Provide a functioning url reference to the license or exception text,
> either from the author or a community recognized source*
> http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~unitex/lgpllr.html
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UnitexGramLab/LGPL-LR/master/LGPL-LR
> *Indicate whether the license is OSI-approved*
>  NO
> *Provide a short explanation regarding the need for this license or
> exception to be included on the SPDX License List, including identifying at
> least one program that uses this license.*
> LGPL-LR is the Lesser General Public License for Linguistic Resources
> (electronic dictionaries, tree banks, word nets, syntactic grammars,
> annotated corpora, etc), formally a collection of data about language
> prepared so as to be used with application programs. Linguistic data may be
> easier to fix and extend than programs, but available manpower is useless
> if data are not modifiable, this is the example of linguistic resources
> with restricted distribution policies which suffer from the same problems
> that non-free software, to overcome this issue, the LGPL-LR allows people
> to share and modify the data with an appropriate license. Some works using
> the LGPL-LR:
>  Unitex/GramLab : (http://unitexgramlab.org) A corpus processing system.
> Electronic Dictionaries and Grammars are distributed under the terms of the
>  Prolex : (http://www.cnrtl.fr/lexiques/prolex) Prolex Linguistic
> Resources are distributed under the terms of the LGPL-LR
> Blogoscopie: (
> http://www.lina.univ-nantes.fr/?Ressources-disponibles-sous.html)
> Blogoscopie Corpus is distributed under the terms of the LGPL-LR
> Hoop: (https://www.projet-plume.org/relier/hoop) Hoop respources are
> distributed under the terms of the LGPL-LR
> Thank you for your consideration
>  Sincerely,
>     --
> *Cristian Martinez*
> cristian.marti...@univ-paris-est.fr
> Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM)
> Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM)
> Bureau 4B051, Tél 00 33 (0)1 60 95 77 14
> 5 Bd Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne
> 77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2, France
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> confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended
> recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the
> contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the
> information in any medium. Thank you.
> ARM Limited, Registered office 110 Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9NJ,
> Registered in England & Wales, Company No: 2557590
> ARM Holdings plc, Registered office 110 Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9NJ,
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