Hi All,

As discussed on today’s call, all agreed that some clarification or revision of 
the explanatory text at the top of the license exceptions page was warranted. 
(see current first paragraph here: 
<https://spdx.org/licenses/exceptions-index.html> )

Bradley was kind enough to get the ball rolling and we batted it around a bit 
and came up with the following.  I think this captures the concepts we were 
discussing on the call.  It could possibly be made a bit more concise, but it’s 
always easier to start with more and trim down!

The SPDX License List includes a list of commonly found exceptions to open
 source licenses.  Exceptions grant additional permissions beyond those
 already given in the license that the exception modifies.  These exceptions
 are not stand-alone licenses; rather, they are designed for use with the
 License Expression Syntax operator, "WITH", to identify a license that
 includes an additional permission beyond those in the main license.

Thought, input, word-smithing?


SPDX Legal Team co-lead

Spdx-legal mailing list

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