Hi all, 

Again, this conversation belongs on the SPDX-legal mailing list, not the 
SPDX-general list. I tried to remedy this early on, but somehow SPDX-legal got 
dropped and it went back to SPDX-general.

Please be sure to check you are a member of the relevant mailing lists here: 
https://lists.spdx.org/groups <https://lists.spdx.org/groups>

I’m happy to re-start this thread or raise it as a topic on the next SPDX legal 
team call, but either way a new thread or conversation needs to be started to 
avoid unnecessary traffic on the SPDX-general list.  

SPDX legal team co-lead
Steering Committee member

> On Jul 11, 2022, at 11:17 AM, McCoy Smith <mc...@lexpan.law> wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2022, at 9:51 AM, Alexios Zavras <alexios.zav...@intel.com> wrote:
>> I think our understanding until now is that the package should have 
>> "License-A AND License-B", to denote the presence of these licenses. But 
>> conversely, this license expression should NOT be understood to mean that 
>> "everything in here is under this expression (combination of licenses)".
>> Richard's example of taking the license of a set and applying it to every 
>> single item shows the error in this approach.
> Yes that’s it. I think AND alone could be (and might widely be) misconstrued 
> as to what state is actually being represented.
> One solution is for people and tools to correctly understand the SPDX tags 
> and operators.
> The other is to convey more information with those tags and operators.
> Which is best I don’t know, depends on how well people and tools are 
> interpreting the conveyed information.
> This is a bit orthogonal from my initial inquiry, but perhaps my inquiry 
> tests the limits of “just use AND” as the solution?
>> -- zvr 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: s...@lists.spdx.org <s...@lists.spdx.org> On Behalf Of McCoy Smith
>> Sent: Monday, 11 July, 2022 19:43
>> To: s...@lists.spdx.org
>> Subject: Re: [spdx] Specific SPDX identifier question I didn't see addressed 
>> in the specification
>> At this risk of opening up a giant can of worms:
>> Does logical AND for SPDX make sense without more information? Even if a 
>> group of files clearly designate a single license at file level, and project 
>> identifies each of those licenses with logical AND at project level, you 
>> still can have misunderstandings if file level is not interrogated.
>>> On Jul 11, 2022, at 9:21 AM, Richard Fontana <rfont...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> If you take the patch referenced in the LWN article, you could rewrite 
>>> that as:
>>> SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later AND ISC
>>> But then subsequent modifications of the file are going to be assumed
>>> to be licensed under both GPLv2 and ISC, whereas it is likely the
>>> subsequent modifier conceptualized their changes as just being GPLv2.
>>> This reminds me: I've recently been informed of a project that started
>>> using SPDX-License-Identifier: and this has led to a complicated issue
>>> around a desired license change because it appears as though many
>>> contributions to the project were inadvertently made under a
>>> conjunction of two licenses, which was the result of putting a
>>> conjunctive SPDX-License-Identifier statement in a README file. I
>>> don't have the case handy but it was something like, some source files
>>> were BSD-3-Clause, some were Apache-2.0, someone then helpfully put
>>> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause AND Apache-2.0 in a README file,
>>> and then new source files started mechanically including
>>> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause AND Apache-2.0.
>>> Richard
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 12:12 PM Richard Fontana <rfont...@redhat.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Ah, that is exactly the issue I was asking about a few years ago. The
>>>> response on this list was that an SPDX-License-Identifier: statement
>>>> consisting of an "AND" expression was good enough as an alternative.
>>>> But my view at the time was that this entailed a loss of information
>>>> -- you lose the idea that the GPL is in some sense the overarching or
>>>> dominant license of some set of code with some subsidiary elements
>>>> under distinct licenses.
>>>> I'm not sure what I think now. I will say, the norm SFLC was trying
>>>> to establish in the wake of the ath5k affair never really caught on.
>>>> The 'snippet' solution isn't really practical in many cases because
>>>> you won't often be able to precisely identify the boundaries of the
>>>> snippet.
>>>> Richard
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 12:06 PM McCoy Smith <mc...@lexpan.law> wrote:
>>>>> Back to the original query:
>>>>> Here’s an example of what I was talking about, albeit inbound BSD
>>>>> outbound GPL
>>>>> https://lwn.net/Articles/247806/
>>>>> I’m suggestion an SPDX tag for what was used there:
>>>>> This file is based on work under the following copyright and permission 
>>>>> notice:
>>>>>> On Jul 11, 2022, at 8:49 AM, McCoy Smith via lists.spdx.org 
>>>>>> <mccoy=lexpan....@lists.spdx.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Jul 11, 2022, at 7:58 AM, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
>>>>> You are right, this isn't the right place for this debate. I can't even 
>>>>> parse what you are saying here. copyleft has no legal basis as a term, so 
>>>>> I'm not at all sure what you are saying. You are also somewhat 
>>>>> misrepresenting what I'm saying and being a bit of a bully about it.
>>>>> I asked a SPDX specific question. You jumped in with your legal analysis 
>>>>> unrelated to the question of whether there was an existing SPDX 
>>>>> identifier or should there be a new one. I responded to your off-topic 
>>>>> thoughts. That’s bullying?
>>>>> But since nobody else thought it was a good idea, I think the notion in 
>>>>> SPDX is effectively dead unless another use case surfaces that makes 
>>>>> sense.
>>>>> You’ve expressed it’s not a good idea. Is that dispositive? Jilayne had 
>>>>> some mechanical/procedural questions about the questions I asked. Don’t 
>>>>> think anyone else has weighed in. If I know my mailing lists, not 
>>>>> everyone hops in immediately with their thoughts on proposals or 
>>>>> questions.
>>>>> Warner
>>>>>> From: s...@lists.spdx.org <s...@lists.spdx.org> On Behalf Of Warner
>>>>>> Losh
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 7:20 AM
>>>>>> To: s...@lists.spdx.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [spdx] Specific SPDX identifier question I didn't see
>>>>>> addressed in the specification
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 8:13 AM McCoy Smith <mc...@lexpan.law> wrote:
>>>>>> “The concept you are talking about doesn't exist in law. You can only 
>>>>>> change the 'outbound' license if the 'inbound' license expressly allows 
>>>>>> it.”
>>>>>> You have a case citation for that?
>>>>>> Do you have one that does or that refutes the theory that the copyright 
>>>>>> holder granted you the ability to do certain things, but not to change 
>>>>>> the license? Without that, you are redistributing copyrighted material 
>>>>>> without the permission of the copyright holder.
>>>>>> Again, I'm not a lawyer, but I've never encountered this in the last 30 
>>>>>> years of doing open source. Downstream additions with a new license 
>>>>>> always an 'AND' unless the original license granted otherwise.  It's 
>>>>>> certainly not the 'mainstream' of how open source operates and also goes 
>>>>>> against the oft-expressed desire to keep SPDX relatively simple.
>>>>>> Warner
>>>>>> From: s...@lists.spdx.org <s...@lists.spdx.org> On Behalf Of Warner
>>>>>> Losh
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 7:07 AM
>>>>>> To: s...@lists.spdx.org
>>>>>> Cc: SPDX-legal <spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [spdx] Specific SPDX identifier question I didn't see
>>>>>> addressed in the specification
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 7:38 AM McCoy Smith <mc...@lexpan.law> wrote:
>>>>>> These questions are really off-topic.
>>>>>> If you have questions about interpretation of BSD licenses, you probably 
>>>>>> ought to ask them of your counsel (or if you’re associated with FreeBSD, 
>>>>>> their counsel).
>>>>>> There are also a lot of resources, many on-line and free, concerning the 
>>>>>> interpretation of most of the major open source licenses, including the 
>>>>>> BSD variants. This one might be instructive for you:
>>>>>> “The so-called new BSD license applied to FreeBSD within the last few 
>>>>>> years is effectively a statement that you can do anything with the 
>>>>>> program or its source, but you do not have any warranty and none of the 
>>>>>> authors has any liability (basically, you cannot sue anybody). *This new 
>>>>>> BSD license is intended to encourage product commercialization. Any BSD 
>>>>>> code can be sold or included in proprietary products without any 
>>>>>> restrictions on the availability of your code or your future behavior.*”
>>>>>> https://docs.freebsd.org/en/articles/bsdl-gpl/
>>>>>> What does that have to do with anything? This is marketing material, not 
>>>>>> a license nor a grant to "file off" the old license and add your own new 
>>>>>> one. You are only allowed to add your new one and the old one is quite 
>>>>>> permissive otherwise.
>>>>>> The concept you are talking about doesn't exist in law. You can only 
>>>>>> change the 'outbound' license if the 'inbound' license expressly allows 
>>>>>> it. The BSD license is quite permissive, but it isn't that permissive. 
>>>>>> So, your desire to express this concept in SPDX doesn't make sense. You 
>>>>>> are asking the SPDX license expression to cover something that's not a 
>>>>>> thing. That's my basic point, and so far you've done nothing to refute 
>>>>>> that.
>>>>>> Warner
>>>>>> From: s...@lists.spdx.org <s...@lists.spdx.org> On Behalf Of Warner
>>>>>> Losh
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, July 1, 2022 2:11 PM
>>>>>> To: s...@lists.spdx.org
>>>>>> Cc: SPDX-legal <spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [spdx] Specific SPDX identifier question I didn't see
>>>>>> addressed in the specification
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 1, 2022, 2:17 PM McCoy Smith <mc...@lexpan.law> wrote:
>>>>>> Well the example is the reverse: inbound BSD-2-Clause, outbound MIT.
>>>>>> I’m more thinking license identifiers that go with the code (since I 
>>>>>> think for most folks that’s where they do license attribution/license 
>>>>>> copy requirements).
>>>>>> But obviously the issue/problem is more generic given that some 
>>>>>> permissive licenses allow the notice to be in either (or in some cases 
>>>>>> require in both) the source or documentation.
>>>>>> Are you allowed to do that without it becoming an AND? You can't just 
>>>>>> change the terms w/o permission like that I'd imagine... And I'm not 
>>>>>> sure how it would generalize...
>>>>>> Warner
>>>>>> From: s...@lists.spdx.org <s...@lists.spdx.org> On Behalf Of J
>>>>>> Lovejoy
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, July 1, 2022 1:11 PM
>>>>>> To: SPDX-legal <spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [spdx] Specific SPDX identifier question I didn't see
>>>>>> addressed in the specification
>>>>>> Hi McCoy!
>>>>>> I’m moving the SPDX-general list to BCC and replying to SPDX-legal as 
>>>>>> that is the right place for this discussion.
>>>>>> Where is this question coming up in terms of context? That is, are you 
>>>>>> thinking in the context of an SPDX document and capturing  the licensing 
>>>>>> info for a file that is under MIT originally but then redistributed 
>>>>>> under BSD-2-Clause? Or are you thinking in the context of using an SPDX 
>>>>>> license identifiers in the source files?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Jilayne
>>>>>> On Jul 1, 2022, at 12:01 PM, McCoy Smith <mc...@lexpan.law> wrote:
>>>>>> I didn’t see this particular topic addressed in the specification 
>>>>>> (although I’m happy to be correcedt if I missed it), so I thought I’d 
>>>>>> post and see whether there is a solution that’s commonly used, or if 
>>>>>> there’s room for a new identifier.
>>>>>> Virtually all so-called “permissive” licenses permit the recipient of 
>>>>>> code to license out under different terms, as long as all the 
>>>>>> requirements of the in-bound license are met. In almost all of these 
>>>>>> permissive licenses those requirement boil down to:
>>>>>> Preserve all existing IP notices (or in some cases, just copyright
>>>>>> notices) Provide a copy of the license (or something to that
>>>>>> effect: retaining “this permission notice” (ICU/Unicode/MIT)  or
>>>>>> “this list of conditions” (BSD) or providing “a copy of this
>>>>>> License” (Apache 2.0))
>>>>>> The rules around element 1 and SPDX are well-described.
>>>>>> With regard to element 2, a fully-compliant but informative notice when 
>>>>>> there is a change from the in-bound to the out-bound license would look 
>>>>>> something like this (with the square bracketed part being an example of 
>>>>>> a way to say this):
>>>>>> SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
>>>>>> [This file/package/project contains code originally licensed
>>>>>> under:]
>>>>>> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
>>>>>> The point being to express that the outbound license is MIT, but in 
>>>>>> order to fully comply with the requirements of BSD-2-Clause, one must 
>>>>>> retain “ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer” which 
>>>>>> including a copy of BSD-2-Clause accomplishes. Without the square 
>>>>>> bracketed statement above, it seems confusing as to what the license is 
>>>>>> (or whether, for example, the code is dual-licensed MIT AND BSD-2-Clause.
>>>>>> One way to do this I suppose is to use the LicenseComment: field to 
>>>>>> include this information, but it seems to me that this is enough of a 
>>>>>> common situation that there ought to be something more specific to 
>>>>>> address this situation.
>>>>>> Thoughts? Am I missing something?
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