On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 8:30 PM, VAIBHAV GUPTA
<guptavaibhav18...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello SPDX Community,
> I am Vaibhav Gupta, student at IIIT, Hyderabad, India. I am interested in
> 'Online Validation Tools' project for GSOC'17. As I am new to open source, I
> will be needing some guidance to initiate the work. Please help me getting
> started.

Welcome Vaibhav and thank you for considering SPDX for the GSOC 2017!

Here is a gist of what this validation tool could be:

1. input would be either one of a full SPDX document as tag/values or
RDF or a simple license expression
2. the output would be a list of SPDX errors, warnings, info and
recommendation and where they occurred exactly in the document or
license expression in a visually easy way to support review.

Tech-wise, I think we are open: I would personally favor using the
Python libraries.
UX-wise this should be available as a web UI and a REST API.

I hope this helps.

Philippe Ombredanne
Spdx-tech mailing list

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