You will also need to identify which VEX format to serialize, CSAF VEX, 
CycloneDX VEX, Open VEX or CISA VEX (publication coming)




Dick Brooks


Active Member of the CISA Critical Manufacturing Sector, 

Sector Coordinating Council – A Public-Private Partnership


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From: <> On Behalf Of Sean 
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [spdx-defects] [spdx-tech] SPDX 3.0: When to use a property or 




To the original query from Thomas requesting guidance on when to use a property 
vs a relationship, the general rule of thumb we have agreed to recommend is 
that if a relationship is inherent and immutable to its source object then it 
is most appropriate to utilize the simple object property option. Otherwise, it 
is more appropriate to utilize a Relationship object. I proposed this rule of 
thumb based on experiences in other ontology development efforts. If you want 
to see more detail on the hows and whys, you can look at section 6 on the UCO 
design document at (you can 
obviously ignore references to UCO, specific properties, context of the 
examples, cardinality within UCO, etc. but the basic principles hold true for 
SPDX as well).


For the specific vulnerability & VEX case, if I had to choose one of the 
options Thomas provided I would concur with David and Gary to choose #2.

However, I am in strong agreement with William here that it seems much more 
appropriate for SPDX to focus on the underlying concepts like packages, 
vulnerabilities, relationships, etc to enable a VEX document to be derived from 
it rather than defining yet another format for a VEX doc.

I agree with William that the core product status/exploitability values seem 
like excellent values (affects, does not affect, contains fix for, may affect 
(under investigation)) for relationshipType in Relationships from a 
Vulnerability to one or more Packages.

These are for more flexible to support assertions by original producers, 3rd 
parties, updating existing assertions, etc.

They also provide a clear picture for the derivation of a VEX doc.

As William points out, it would be simple to then define a Bundle with a 
‘context’ property of something like “VEX content” and simply reference all the 
packages, vulnerabilities and relationships.







Sean Barnum

C – 703-473-8262


We are here to change the world!

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From: <>  
< <> > on behalf of 
William Bartholomew (CELA) via 
Date: Monday, April 17, 2023 at 5:43 PM
To: <>  
< <> >, <>  
< <> >, <>  < 
<> >
Subject: [EXT] Re: [spdx-defects] [spdx-tech] SPDX 3.0: When to use a property 
or relationship

There is a fundamental question we need to answer first: are we trying to model 
VEX in SPDX or are we trying to model the underlying supply chain information 
and from that a VEX document can be derived? I'd suggest that we want to do the 
latter because it doesn't constrain how the underlying information is used.


The VEX concepts of "affects", "does not affect", "investigating" are ones that 
map to relationships in my mind. Finding additional products (or versions of a 
product) affected by a vulnerability, or determining a product isn't affected, 
doesn't alter the underlying vulnerability. This is true for both 
vulnerabilities in the product itself, as well as vulnerabilities in 
third-party components used in the product. Additionally, I'd want the ability 
for people to create their own relationships to express additional products 
they believe are (or are not) affected by a vulnerability, in the same way that 
others can come to their own determination of licensing.


In this model you could add or amend relationships over time expressing whether 
different products are or are not affected and at any time you could gather 
those up and export them as a VEX document. You could capture the list of 
relationships that was exported into a VEX document as a Bundle (or something 
that derives from Bundle) to make it easier to identify new ones or perform 
diffs at a later stage.





From: <>  
< <> > on behalf of Gary 
O'Neall via < 
<> >
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 1:47 PM
To: <>  
< <> >; <>  
< <> >
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [spdx-defects] [spdx-tech] SPDX 3.0: When to use a 
property or relationship 


I’m thinking it would be common to discover additional elements affected by a 
vulnerability after a VEX is initially published which would cause the list of 
elements referenced to change.  Therefore my vote would be for B.


If it unlikely to change, I would agree with David a property would be better.




From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf 
Of David Kemp
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 11:25 AM
To: <> ; <> 
Subject: Re: [spdx-defects] [spdx-tech] SPDX 3.0: When to use a property or 


As a general rule, properties are used when an element's content is known at 
the time the element is created, while either references or relationships are 
used when that content is expected to change over time.  For example, a 
hypothetical "Person" element would include immutable properties of a specific 
person, but would not include a "child" property because children can pop up 
later.  A Person element could include a parent property because parents don't 
change, and/or a "parentOf" relationship could be used to cover more dynamic 
possibilities like unknown or sealed biological parents that could be 
discovered or unsealed after the child instance is created.

So if I understand the example, Option A should work since the status of a 
specific product with respect to a specific vulnerability should not change.  
And if it does change, a new VEX "" will be 
issued to supersede "-1".

But I'm not sure how "Our version of this package was modified" gets translated 
to "We are not using this component" with a "product" property.  Are "we" 
creating a product that has the identical name, including version number, as a 
package (  If so, how is the unaffected package 
or product distinguished from the original/unmodified baseline that presumably 
is affected by the vulnerablity?



On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 11:18 AM Thomas Steenbergen < 
<> > wrote:

Hi all,


In April 12th Defects meeting we were discussing changing the security profile 
to be better able to support VEX use cases.


We ran into the reoccurring issue of when to use a property and when to use a 
relationship, included some examples below.

Know we discuss this in a recent tech call. Do we have any written 
guidance/design principles? Can we discuss this further tomorrow?


Below an excerpt of SPDX 3.0 Vulnerability example as currently found on 
GitHub, issue we found is that changing any VEX property would require 
publishing the whole vulnerability which is not ideal. Idea is to move VEX and 
maybe other categorization into their own elements so SPDX creator can update 
just the categorization and timestamp for each categorization creation using 
SPDX 3.0 Element's creationInfo.


"@type": "Vulnerability", 

"@id": "",

"summary": "Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm",

"description": "The npm package `elliptic` before version 6.5.4 are vulnerable 
to Cryptographic Issues via the secp256k1 implementation in elliptic/ec/key.js. 
There is no check to confirm that the public key point passed into the derive 
function actually exists on the secp256k1 curve. This results in the potential 
for the private key used in this implementation to be revealed after a number 
of ECDH operations are performed.",      

"modified": "2021-03-08T16:02:43Z",

"published": "2021-03-08T16:06:50Z",

"categorizations": [


    "@type": "VexNotAffectedVulnerabilityCategorization ",

    "@id": "",

    "status": "notAffected",

    "impact": "Our version of this package was modified and does not include 
code affected by cve-2020-2849.",

    "justification": "vulnerabileCodeNotPresent",

    "source": "https://vex-system...";,




   "@type": "Relationship",

   "relationshipType": "advisory",

   "to": "",

   "from": ["", 




Option A: Only use properties to link a VEX to other SPDX elements - easy for 
VEX publishers and readers as everything is in 1element


        "@type": "VexNotAffectedVulnerabilityCategorization",

        "@id": "",

        "status": "notAffected",

        "impact": "We are not using this component",

        "justification": "componentNotPresent",

        "source": "https://vex-system...";,

        "elements": {

          "product": [""],

          "packages": ["", 

          "files": [""],

          "snippets": [""],

          "vulnerabilities": [ "" ]



Option B: Specific property for vulnerability as VEX is always connected to one 
or more vulnerabilities, using relationships for linking to packages / 
"products", files, snippets as they may change.



  "@type": "VexNotAffectedVulnerabilityCategorization ",

  "@id": "",

  "status": "notAffected",

  "impact": "Our version of this package was modified and does not include code 
affected by cve-2020-2849.",

  "justification": "vulnerabileCodeNotPresent",

  "source": "https://vex-system...";,

  "vulnerability": [ "" ]



  "@type": "Relationship",

  "relationshipType": "advisory",

  "to": "",

  "from": ["", 



Option C: Feel free to propose other ways ..


Warm regards,








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