Recordon, David wrote:
> I think I'd lean toward swallowing Yadis in as a part of this spec so it
> is one fewer documents people need to read in total.

does this open up the potential to change Yadis?  I certainly found the 
spec confusing on a few points when I first read it i.e.

1) Two xml namespaces, why?
2) Confusing namespace names, "xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)" this is just plain 
confusing for someone not familiar with i-names.
3) Then finally this text "If a Yadis XRDS includes more than one XRD 
element, the Yadis Resource Descriptor is the last XRD element. A 
Relying Party Agent MAY ignore other XRD elements." Again, just confused 
me, couldn't see the point of the seemingly redundant <xrd> element or 
understand when there would be more than one.

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