On 7-Apr-07, at 3:56 AM, Martin Atkins wrote:
> On the other hand, I also think it's a good idea not to modularize too
> early: until there's some implementation experience, it's hard to say
> with certainty what parts make sense as distinct modules. I'm not that
> familiar with the AX stuff yet, but my gut feeling is that it'd be a
> good idea for someone to make an experimental implementation to get  
> some
> implementation experience and then it'll probably be a lot more clear
> where the articulation points are that make spec modularization
> worthwhile. There's little point in debating it at this early  
> stage, in
> my opinion.

We did just that - openid4java supports Attribute Exchange (i.e the  
"transport" layer for attributes), but nothing about the metadata.  
Even if the metadata spec were all figured out, my implementation  
would probably hand over the type URI and the attribute value to the  
layer above for consuming it, which would involve looking up the  
metadata info if necessary.

Josh just started implementing AX [1] and his thoughts were along the  
same lines.


[1] http://openid.net/pipermail/specs/2007-April/001520.html
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