The list is a set of xml files that we wanted to post on so that everyone could see them per the proposed draft.

Each attribute has a chunk of meta data around it.

( the files are all viewable and browsable as well as being machine readable)

A good OP would dynamically add new attributes as they become available as opposed to statically coding a set.

If you would be kind enough to let us set up, then we could more easily show everyone.

-- Dick

On 9-Apr-07, at 8:23 PM, Recordon, David wrote:

Is there a list anywhere? I didn't find one in the documents and I think this list would benefit everyone in the conversation. I'm just curious as to the fields you're expecting an OP to implement.


 -----Original Message-----
From:   Dick Hardt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Monday, April 09, 2007 07:12 PM Pacific Standard Time
To:     Recordon, David
Cc:     James Walker; Martin Atkins; Mark Wahl; OpenID specs list
Subject: Re: PROPOSAL for AX (and other extensions)

On 9-Apr-07, at 5:24 PM, Recordon, David wrote:
> For new fields, is there a reason we can't use the URLs Mark
> posted as a starting point?  I know Dick said they didn't cover all
> the
> needed attributes, but would it be good enough to start with and then > expand from there possibly on Dick, do you have a
> list of attributes you see as needed for the first implementations
> of AX
> (I couldn't find one in the current AX specs though I fully admit I
> may
> be looking in the wrong place)?

There are many, many attributes that we are using in AX that are not
in LDAP, or don't have the granularity.

-- Dick

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