On 9-Apr-07, at 5:24 PM, Recordon, David wrote:

> Yes, I agree an upgrade path from SREG is needed.  We could however do
> something as simple as
> http://openid.net/specs/openid-simple-registration- 
> extension-1_0.html#ni
> ckname for the existing SREG fields.

by making this a fragment, you force a requirement that Mark's tool  
has to be able to dig into a document and find the anchor as opposed  
to the attribute being self contained -- a complication I am not sure  
we want to deal with at this point in the meta-data

why not have a page that maps the existing SREG to the AX attributes  
we have already defined? why create yet-another set of attributes?

Myself, I think a developer would like to look in ONE place to find  
all the common web related attributes she will likely need so that  
she can build her app and not have to go looking across a dozen  
different sources to write some code.

There will definitely be attributes that are for specific  
communities, so the developer will need to look in a few places, but  
why make it harder then it needs to be at this point in time?

A number of people have spoken up to vote +1 to use  
schema.openid.net. Given that you have the magic wand David, are you  
going to let the community progress or do we have to keep arguing  
with you until one party wears out and gives up?

-- Dick
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