Hi David,

On 7-Jun-07, at 6:31 PM, Recordon, David wrote:

> You could also, don't shudder too hard Dick :), use an i-number
> as your persistent identifier via this method though on the flip-side
> could also use a fragment if that is the approach someone would  
> like to
> take.
> The nice thing is that this method is extremely flexible in terms of
> what you use as your persistent identifier in different cases.

The question (that we will need to specify or have a clear pointer  
to) is how the canonical ID verification is done. (BTW: Was this  
section updated on Wed in the XRI draft?)

Your HTTP URL canonical ID example is straight-forward and simple. Do  
you have an example of how it would work with fragments, say:

http://openid.aol.com/daveman692 - reassignable
http://openid.aol.com/daveman692#1234 - persistent


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