I think so. What about cases where two descrete applications/consumers share a realm?

Sent from a mobile device.

On Nov 13, 2008, at 3:58 PM, Dirk Balfanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Allen Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Yariv,

In the registered consumer case, the SP will need the Consumer Key to show the Approval page. Previous versions of the spec had the Request Token in the OpenID Authentication request, which allowed the SP to derive the Consumer Key from the Request Token. At the IIW, we had discussed somehow tying the Association Handle to the Consumer Key.

Regardless of the solution, the SP will need to be know the Consumer Key in order to properly identify the OAuth Consumer when displaying the Approval page. The OpenID Realm is not quite sufficient, at least for SPs which require consumers to pre-register for a CK.

I don't think this is true - I believe the realm is sufficient. Let me try and explain. (We'll assume registered consumers.) On the approval page, we need to identify the consumer. In its current form, the spec basically assumes that you're gonna use the realm for that.

Let's assume that The Bad Guy somehow managed to sneak a misleading realm into a request, i.e. the user sees the realm on the login page and clicks "approve" when he wouldn't have approved had he known the real identity of The Bad Guy.

The OP embeds, in the request token, the realm to which the request token was issued.

Later, when The Bad Guy tries to exchange the request token for an access token, it won't work, b/c The Bad Guy only has access to his own consumer secret, which doesn't match the realm embedded in the request token.

So we _do_ have a binding from the request token to the consumer key, it's just enforced later, not at approval time.

Does this make sense, or am I missing something?


One possible optimization would be to just use the Consumer Key as the OpenID Association Handle, and Consumer Secret as the OpenID Association. The Consumer can just sign the OpenID Auth request using its CK/CS and the OP can return a pre-approved response token in the OpenID assertion. The Consumer can then exchange the response token for the OAuth Access Token/ ATS.


Yariv Adan wrote:

Following the IIW session on this topic, we updated the spec in http://step2.googlecode.com/svn/spec/openid_oauth_extension/drafts/0/openid_oauth_extension.html to address the issues that were raised. Especially, optimizing on how OAuth request token is handled, allowed to remove one full roundtrip!
Would appreciate any feedback on the updated suggestion.


On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 12:00 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

  1. Proposal to create the OpenID OAuth Hybrid Working Group
     (Yariv Adan)

--- -------------------------------------------------------------------

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 15:30:57 +0100
From: Yariv Adan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Proposal to create the OpenID OAuth Hybrid Working Group
To: specs@openid.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

In accordance with the OpenID Foundation IPR policies and procedures< http://openid.net/foundation/intellectual-property/ > this note proposes the
formation of a new working group chartered to produce an OpenID
As per Section 4.1 of the Policies, the specifics of the proposed working
group are:

Background Information:
OpenID has always been focused on how to enable user-authentication within
the browser.  Over the last year, OAuth has been developed to allow
authorization either from within a browser, desktop software, or mobile
devices.  Obviously there has been interest in using OpenID and OAuth
together allowing a user to share their identity as well as grant a Relying Party access to an OAuth protected resource in a single step. A small group of people have been working on developing an extension to OpenID which makes
this possible in a collaborative fashion within
http://code.google.com/p/step2/. This small project includes a draft spec and Open Source implementations which the proposers would like to finalize
within the OpenID Foundation.

Working Group Name:
OpenID OAuth Hybrid Working Group

Produce a standard OpenID extension to the OpenID Authentication protocol that provides a mechanism to embed an OAuth approval request into an OpenID authentication request to permit combined user approval. The extension addresses the use case where the OpenID Provider and OAuth Service Provider are the same service. To provide good user experience, it is important to present a combined authentication and authorization screen for the two

Standardize the draft Hybrid Protocol (
http://step2.googlecode.com/svn/spec/openid_oauth_extension/drafts/0/openid_oauth_extension.html )
as an official OpenID Extension describing how to combine an OpenID
authentication request with the approval of an OAuth request token.

Anticipated Contributions:
Draft specification referenced above and various text contributions as more
developers implement it.

Proposed List of Specifications:
OpenID OAuth Extension 1.0. Spec completion by Q4 2008.

Anticipated audience or users of the work:
 - OpenID Providers and Relying Parties
 - OAuth Consumers and Service Providers
 - Implementers of OpenID Providers and Relying Parties

Language in which the WG will conduct business:

Method of work:
E-mail discussions on the working group mailing list and working group
conference calls.

Basis for determining when the work of the WG is completed:
The work will be completed once it is apparent that maximal consensus on the protocol proposal has been achieved within the working group, consistent
with the purpose and scope.

 - Ben Laurie, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Google
 - Breno de Medeiros, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Google
 - David Recordon, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Six Apart
 - Dirk Balfanz, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Google
 - Joseph Smarr, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Plaxo
- Yariv Adan, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Google - Allen Tom, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
 - Josh Hoyt, [EMAIL PROTECTED] , JanRain

Initial Editors:
 - Dirk Balfanz, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Google  - Breno de Medeiros,

Yariv Adan | Product Manager
Google Switzerland GmbH | Identifikationsnummer: CH-
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End of specs Digest, Vol 27, Issue 3

Yariv Adan | Product Manager
Google Switzerland GmbH | Identifikationsnummer: CH-
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