How about if the openid.oauth.scope response parameter defined in Section 9 be changed to be a more generic OAuth status indicator? It can be used to indicate which scopes were authorized in the success case, or it can be used as status/problem indicator if there was an error.

Perhaps the allowed values can be the same as the values defined in the ProblemReporting extension.


Dirk Balfanz wrote:

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Allen Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Since the new hybrid draft spec doesn't affect the OpenID
    association method, this is moot.

    However, the spec should mention what SPs should do if the CK is
    invalid (or doesn't match the realm) in the OpenID authentication
    request. Presumably, the SP should continue servicing the OpenID
    portion of the request, however, the response should indicate why
    the OAuth portion of the request failed.

How about, to mimic what happens with association handles, we can return in the response an openid.oauth.invalid_consumer parameter instead of openid.oauth.consumer? It would mean that either the CK was just wrong or that it didn't match the realm. Although at this point it starts to get pretty complicated. Does this error condition really need to be communicated back to the RP? For development etc., it might be enough to just show an error page to the user explaining what happened.


    Dirk Balfanz wrote:

        I'd recommend an error consistent with Section 8.2.4 in the
        OpenID 2.0 spec, with a new error_code value indicating that
        the either the CK or the realm was invalid. There may
        actually need to be 2 errors, one to indicate that the CK is
        invalid, and another to indicate that the CK is not valid for
        the realm.

    But Section 8.2 is about the association response. In the auth
    response, we currently only have cancel or setup_needed. If we
    invent another error condition there, we're no longer a pure

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