New Reviews/Interviews at Dec 2006.

Welcome to Furtherfield's current collection of reviews and interviews.
Please find time to read the writings and explore the work and projects.
Wishing all collaborators and interested minds an enjoyable Xmas and a good new year...

-Ele Carpenter: Interviewed by Jess Laccetti.
-The Amazon Noir Team: Interviewed by Franz Thalmair.
-Bio Mapping by Christian Nold: Review by Cinzia Cremona.
-The GROUNDED exhibition: Review by Lauren A Wright.
-Andy Stringer ehibition: Review by Rob Myers.
-Installation of Ombea by Pash*: Review by Palo Fabuš.

Ele Carpenter: Interviewed by Jess Laccetti.
Open Source Embroidery: Jess Laccetti Inquires about Ele Carpenter’s Latest Work. “‘The Open Source Embroidery’ project brings together programming for embroidery and computing. It's based on the common characteristics of needlework crafts and open source computer programming: gendered obsessive attention to detail; shared social process of development; and a transparency of process and product.” Ele Carpenter is undertaking post doctoral research with CRUMB (Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss) at the University of Sunderland. Her curatorial practice-based research is focused on socially and politically engaged art activism with and without new technologies. Research outcomes include: the RISK project, 2005; the Open Source Embroidery Project, 2006; and thesis due to be completed in January 2007.

The Amazon Noir Team: Interviewed by Franz Thalmair.
About one year after the release of Google Will Eat Itself the artists Paolo Cirio, Alessandro Ludovico, Hans Bernhard and Lizvlx (both ) out foxed, the second global Internet player. The results of the Media Art-event, Amazon Noir - The Big Book Crime, were presented to the public on the 15th of November 2006. In this interview the Amazon Noir Crew talks about the framework of the project, its coding and art historical background, the official feedback and copyright issues.

Bio Mapping by Christian Nold: Review by Cinzia Cremona.
If you go to, the first (moving) image you see looks like an aerial view of a spiky fence enclosing a small area of Greenwich (London) implanted onto a Google Map. Two red dots at the opposite ends are labeled ‘Yachtclub Sneaky Drink’ and ‘Busy Traffic Crossing’. This is a visualization of an individual experience of Christian Nold’s Bio Mapping Project. Christian started working on Bio Mapping in 2004 by building a Galvanic Skin Response sensor/data logger and connecting it to a commercial GPS unit.

GROUNDED exhibition: Reviewer by Lauren A Wright.
GROUNDED Unearthed. An exhibition curated by Axel Stockburger, at E:vent in Bethnal Green, London. Which has in the past few months relocated from the basement of its converted warehouse, artist-community home into a main floor space. The group exhibition GROUNDED brings together a diverse range of international artists. Showing work that deals with processes of modeling and simulation, activities that form the conceptual backbone of digital culture. However all of the artists involved are tackling this subject with an array of practices that are firmly rooted in physical environments, from architecture to installation thus addressing important elements of digital culture with essentially non-digital means.

Andy Stringer exhibiton: Review by Rob Myers.
The Destabilisation of perception by Andy Stringer.
TheSpace4, Peterborough, 10th November 2006 - 12th January 2007.
Andy Stringer's show at TheSpace4 in Peterborough consists of a series of large-scale abstract paintings. The labels and the catalogue identify these works as paintings, and they are areas of liquid pigment on substrate laid down with a flatness that Greenberg could only have dreamt of. These paintings are in fact wide-format inkjet prints of images created on computer using imaging software. Artists who pursue abstraction through new technology are often accused of technological determinism. Usually, ignoring the historical relationship of art to technology and of technology and culture. J David Bolter's theory of determining technologies explains how societies regard their humanity in metaphoric terms of their highest technology, whether that is fire, pottery, steam or computers.

Installation of Ombea by Pash*: Review by Palo Fabuš.
Moving Sounds of Ombea - Pash*. Ombea is what Russian conceptual artist Ilya Kabakov calls a total installation, a designed experience. Ombea is an interactive installation, consisting of an empty room with 4 speakers, 4 light sources and 2 cameras, which are placed within a space, partially isolated from light and sound coming from outdoors, provided with a lockable entrance; a computer is located outside the ombea space with max/msp/jitter patch which serves to direct the space reaction.


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