with lnks and images here:

If you’re in LA or San Jose or the bay area, come see Becoming Dragon [http://secondloop.wordpress.com]! Today I’m finishing installing a large installation with prints and video at Supersonic 2009 [http://supersonic2009.com], the show of southern california graduating MFA’s from a number of different schools. That show is at the LA convention center and is open to the public on Thursday the 22nd and stays up until Sunday the 25th.There are so many amazing artists in this show, you have to come see it!

Also, I’m giving a talk about my experience of Becoming Dragon in San Jose, on Thursday the 22nd at 11:30am at the Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality [http://spie.org/app/program/index.cfm?fuseaction=conferencedetail&export_id=x16280&ID=x16223&redir=x16223.xml&conference_id=863831&event_id=862795&programtrack_id=862796] conference put on by the Society of Photonic Imaging Engineers. It’s at the San Jose convention center.



gpg:  0x5B77079C // encrypted email preferred
gaim/skype: djlotu5 // off the record messaging preferred

blog: http://bang.calit2.net/tts

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