hi all, 

this may sound somewhat naive, but given that the organisations involved are 
not exactly 'fly-by-night' speculative or frivolous instances, but are 
historically significant parts of the Dutch, European and broader and 
international cultural, political, educational, academic and scientific 
landscapes, i.e. institutions of major significant cultural and national 
heritage, that perhaps this is an issue that needs to be taken up by a court 
challenge at the European level, either at the European Court of Human Rights 
or the European Court of Justice. It's not necessarily so that national 
governments have either the right, the mandate or the power to 
disproportionately or unreasonably erase such significant portions of their own 
cultural identity. 

any legal experts with relevant experience/insight among the ranks of the 



On 14.06.2011, at 20:15, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

> (fwd)
> Last Friday the new policy plans of the new Minister were announced and 
> published and they are very dramatic in general for the whole field of art 
> and culture in The Netherlands. On the PNEK list it was announced as:
> New Media Art Organisations in Netherlands lose funding.
> The Dutch New Media Art Organisations Steim, De Waag, Mediamatic, V2 & NIMK 
> are about to lose all their funding.
> The Dutch secretary of state for Culture in the Netherlands, Halbe Zijlstra, 
> has published his policy plan for coming years. In contrast to the official 
> recommendations given to him by the Culture Advisory Board, the cutbacks will 
> not be spread out over a number of years, but will take immediate effect in 
> 2013. The budget for visual art will shrink from 53,3 to 31 million.
> Among the more damaging and destructive decisions is the complete cutting of 
> funding for the six leading New Media Art Organsiations that produce, 
> distribute and facilitate New Media Art;
> -STEIM: Independent Live electronic music centre that is exclusively 
> dedicated to the performing arts.
> -De WAAG: Organisation & Worklab for old and new media, developers of open 
> source tools, research & technology for the creative independant industry & 
> intermediate between art, science and media.
> -Worm: Rotterdam based laboratory, venue and studios for film, music and 
> internet featuring concerts, new media events, screenings, production of 
> film, music and software art.
> -Mediamatic: software art projects, lectures, workshops & screenings aiming 
> on the young generation of artists, designers & tinkerers.
> -V2: interdisciplinary centre for art and media technology in Rotterdam, 
> activities include organizing presentations, exhibitions and workshops, 
> research and development of artworks operating in an international network
> -NIMK: The Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk) promotes the wide and 
> unrestrained development, application and distribution of, and reflection on, 
> new technologies within the visual arts. Since the Netherlands Media Art 
> Institute came into being in 1978 an extensive collection of video and media 
> art has been assembled, to which new works are constantly being added.
> These institutes together form the foundation for New Media Arts in the 
> Netherlands and forfil an important role in the International Network that 
> shares knowledge, exchanges, produces, distributes and promotes various forms 
> of New Media Art.
> For most of these organisations the budget cuts will mean their disappearance.
> (fwd)
> BUT of course there is more to it. In the document one can read that 
> Architecture, Design and eCulture are fusing together in a new fund called 
> Creative Industry (something non of these sectors wants). ALL organization in 
> the 3 domains won't receive any structural funding anymore in this plan BUT 
> the new Fund, that is now being structured, will likely offer the change to 
> organizations to get structural funding (2 to 4 years). But since this fund 
> is not there yet and since they are having strong debates about the role and 
> function, and program of this fund nothing is indicated about this fund in 
> the published document. So when reading the document you get a different 
> picture of what is being debated right now insight the Ministry and with the 
> 3 sectors.
> The thing that should be in place for this fund are
> 1. structural funding to some of the important plpl.ayers in the 3 sectors; 
> and
> 2. creating space for basic research in the 3 sectors.
> When we get this done we are still facing a hardcore economic agenda (the 
> Minister is a hardcore liberal) but that we can shape and address 
> 'creatively' since we can't and don't want to fullfill this agenda ourselves. 
> Dealing with the goals of the new Fund will be a major challenge since NO ONE 
> wants this Fund and it has NO bearing grounds.
> Still, if you read the whole document you can see that probably eCulture, 
> design and architecture are coming out best if you compare what is happening 
> in other sectors like theatre, performing arts, post academic education, 
> visual arts a.s. For example all production houses for theatre won't be 
> funded anymore; all post-academic organization like the Rijksacademie, Jan 
> van Eyck and Berlage Institute won't receive any funding anymore after 2012. 
> This are just some of the cuts that have been done.
> NIMk nevertheless, since they are not part of eCulture but the visual arts, 
> are serious trouble up from 2013. The Minister indicated that he has NO 
> responsiblity for an archive that is not set up by the Ministry but by a 
> foundation itself, so it's NIMk's responsibility to deal with their archive 
> he thinks. The same for the Theater Instituut Nederland that won't get any 
> funding and who also have a large archive on theatre on theatre covering 
> decades of history. but it's also an archive setup and organised by the 
> institute itself so also here the Minister sees no responsibilities for him.
> So you can imagine that I have been lobbying, having meetings last months 
> since we saw all of this coming, even though the result is very unexpected in 
> its format (bringing architecture, design and eCulture in one new sector 
> called Creative Industry - that nobody wants to be related to).
> I keep you updated since the coming month will be essential for the future of 
> eCulture in the Netherlands since the new fund is now being discussed and 
> shaped and should be announced end of July. And of course we think and push 
> that this new fund will supoort some organisations structuraly since the 
> budget is there (eCulture is far less cut down then any other sector, only 
> about 15% while other sectors face cut downs to 25 till 50%).
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