Hey amigo, thanks for sharing this. I have a few ideas of my own about these developments... namely that less/no funding may actually force artists to make their own work again instead of subcontracting it out to hired labor while bringing about the death of the artist as hands-clean conceptual engineer and cultural manager, the end of Damien Hirst-esque big-budget hi-tech spectacle, and maybe even the return of "craft" over "concept"... But I haven't given nearly enough shape to these thoughts yet. Your assessment is a good starting point for these meditations, however.


On 8/4/11 6:14 PM, Julian Oliver wrote:

Hi list,

I've written a short article on state-support of the arts. It seeks to draw
attention to the problem of cultural dependence on arts funding while
questioning the state as an artistic collaborator or producer more generally.

It follows in the wake of severe cuts to the arts across several European

The full article can be found online here, including emphases, references and

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