Dear all,
I'm happy to announce that we just released a new book about the artistic
research by Sanela Jahić about the use of artificial intelligence as a tool
of exclusion. Read below for more information.
All the best,

Marcela Okretič
Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana

*Sanela Jahić – Under the Calculative Gaze*

“AI completes the enclosure that the autonomists called the social factory,
where capitalist relations of power extend to the smallest corner of social
reproduction. But the very generalisability of these algorithmic
exploitations creates the ground for a recomposition of resistance from
forms of relationality that still escape the algorithmic gaze.” ― Dan

After two successful gallery presentations of the project *Under the
Calculative Gaze <>*, which
juxtaposes concrete examples of the use of artificial intelligence as a
tool of exclusion with examples of collective practices of
self-organisation and solidarity, artist Sanela Jahić now presents the
findings of her critically oriented research into the social applications
of artificial intelligence in a book.

*Under the Calculative Gaze
<>* is a paperback
adaptation of *Sanela Jahić <>*’s artistic research
that investigates how socially-applied technological tools are not only
directly intertwined with unresolved injustices of our current system, but
actually accelerate a transition towards authoritarianism that is present
in the technology industry itself, in the politics of various countries and
institutions, and in the rise of far-right political movements.

The artist examines the political resonances of AI as it offers greater
social efficiency through acts of separation and segregation. The targets
of the extensive digital control and algorithmic optimization are typically
“low-rights environments,” where expectations of political responsibility
and transparency are low. These sites are used for the introduction of
process automation and predictive analytics, amplifying vulnerabilities
stemming from long-standing social policies, increasing neoliberal
inequalities, and accelerating different dimensions of necropolitics.

To counteract this, collective practices of self-organization are
presented, where positions of social and political disadvantage give rise
to solidarity across differences and beyond models of algorithmic




Editor: Janez Fakin Janša
Editorial assistant: Maja Burja
Translator and language editor: Miha Šuštar
Design and layout: Jaka Neon, based on IBM’s open-source Carbon Design

Print: Collegium Graphicum
Number of copies: 300
Format: 10.5 x 16.7 cm
Pages: 216

Language: EN
Year: 2023
ISBN: 978-961-7173-31-4

Published by: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Represented by: Marcela Okretič
Promotion and distribution: Sonja Grdina
Ljubljana, August 2023 | © Aksioma, the authors

In the framework of konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
konS is a project chosen on the public call for the selection of the
operations “Network of Investigative Art and Culture Centres”. The
investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and by the European
Regional Development Fund of the European Union.
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