hello everyone,

sorry for the very late invite tomorrow is INFRA: Processing Community Day 

please see more info here: https://pcdaarhus.net/




Processing Community Day (PCD) is an event initiated by The Processing 
Foundation <https://processingfoundation.org/>, involving local communities 
around the world in organizing a one-day event celebrating and exploring art, 
code and diversity.

The theme of this year's PCD @Aarhus is “INFRA”, pointing to the explorative 
and the curious. The history and development of information technologies is 
very much a story of “hyper” — of technological infrastructures that exist 
somewhere above and beyond. Currently, with the advancement of AI, new 
computational abstractions are mapping and affecting our lives, stretching far 
beyond our ability to comprehend them.

However, it’s important to emphasize that we do understand some foundational 
proportions of computation. There are things we can know and understand about 
our technologies. Now is the time to go “infra” instead of “hyper” — to try and 
look under and into the technological abstractions, infrastructures and data 
practices to explore how we can build technologies that serve and make us 

Processing Community Day Aarhus invites everyone to come explore new ways to 
look at art, code and technology. PCD presents five researchers and 
practitioners, each with their own perspective on the theme of “INFRA”. Come 
join us for an amazing day in Aarhus! — and bring your laptop ...

Speakers + Workshop leads

Honey Biba Beckerlee / Arnar Ómarsson / Jussi Parikka / Renée Ridgway / Richard 
Vijgen / Markus Alexander Mejer Bjerremand & Signe Regin Runge-Dalager

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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