Edouard Gomez wrote:

> Hello,
>  I'm still developing pppoa3 (that's a good news) but I have some
> problems and I don't find how to resolve them.
> So I post this message to try to find help. I need help from a good
> hacker who knows about threads and threads mutex in order to debug
> pppoa3 which is close to work. If you have knowledge about these two
> things please contact me.

I've take a quick look, and small nit, but you aren't checking the condition after the 
condition wait... Sometimes it's possible
for the condition wait to return for a reason other than another thread broadcasting 
to it... Stevens (Volume 2) has a good
chapter on pthreads & using condition variables & mutexes if you're interested...

> Thank you
> Edouard Gomez
> A source code snapshot can be found at : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ed.gomez
> Salut,
>  Je continue de develooper pppoa3 (bonne nouvelle) mais je rencontre
> certains problemes dont je n'arrive a venir a bout.
>  Je poste donc ce message pour trouver un peu d'aide. J'ai besoin qu'un
> programmeur ayant de bons acquis ds le domaine des threads et threads
> mutex se manifeste aupres de moi pour
> tenter de debugger pppoa3 qui est tout pret de fonctionner (mais qui ne
> fonctionne pourtant pas comme je le voudrais)
> Merci
> Edouard Gomez
> Un snapshot du code est accessible a l'adresse :
> http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ed.gomez
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