#PROG NAMES MODPROBE=$usb-uhci KILL=$pppd PPP=$/usr/sbin/pppd MODEM_RUN=$/usr/local/bin/modem_run MOUNT=$/proc/bus/usb UMOUNT=$/proc/bus/usb IFCONFIG=$ppp0 Hi all, I'm trying to get the sysV-style script to work...but don't know what values to enter above. If anyone has an example of what they entered, please post it and I'l be able to guess my values. Thanks in advance. -- Patrick "sig free and joyful"" Kirk GSM: +44 7876 560 646 ICQ: 42219699 Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe