Patrick Kirk wrote:
> Hi,
> Not really doing well here.
> When I try the script, I get this:
> root:~# /etc/init.d/ start
> Starting ADSL connection:modprobe: Can't locate module usbcore
>  failed.
> I tried changing usbcore at line 290 and 357 to usb-uhci but I only got
> this:
> root:~# /etc/init.d/ start
> Starting ADSL connection: failed.
> I doubt this feedback is verbose eenough to be much help.  Are there any
> other tests you'd like me to do?

If you don't need to load usbcore (means that it is in your kernel) you 
must only set LOAD_USBCORE=0 you don't have to change any other thing in 
the script.

All the script behaviour is set by changing those four or five values :
USBMODULE (that doesn't really need to be set)

For those variables beginning with the action keyword LOAD_... you must 
set them to one if you want module to be loaded or 0 if you don't want so.

DEFAULT_USBINTERFACE must be set to your corresponding usb interface 
module (usb-uhci, uhci or usb-ohci)

If you respect those simple rules the script _must_ work... but if you 
begin to change script code... that's probably a very bad idea.

Edouard Gomez

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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