I can't get pppoa2 or pppoa3 to run from pppd. The error
each time is:
Oct 24 15:27:34 localhost pppoa3[6464]: pusb_claim_interface 1 failed
The error code is EBUSY.
After extensively tracing through the code & kernel, I can't see
why this should be. "modem_run" seems to release the interface OK,
and so pppoa{2,3} ought to be able to claim the interface afterwards,
but clearly they can't.
Any thoughts? I'm interested in contacting anyone who has successfully
used the Benoit driver to drive this modem in the UK.

Is there a way to query the kernel to find out if an interface is
currently claimed, and by whom?

Is there a way to forcefully release a USB device?
Kernel is Red Hat 7.1's standard 2.4.2-2.

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