after my kernel update on the redhat 9.0 i have reinstall modem drivers and
it work great....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 8:35 PM
Subject: [speedtouch] Re: kernel-2.4.20-18.9 problem

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Emad ElMehelmy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 6:19 AM
> Subject: [speedtouch] kernel-2.4.20-18.9 problem
> > I have RedHat 9.0 and the speedtouch modem is working perfectly, then I
> > installed the latest kernel ¨2.4.20-18.9¨ using Redhat update agent,
> > after I rebooted the machine mgmt.o crashes with segmentation fault (not
> > sure, may be other fault). I had to revert back to 2.4.20-8 (the
> > original RedHat 9.0 kernel) and it is working back again.
> I've had similar problems with kernel 2.4.20-18.7 on Red Hat 7.2.  See
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04294.html.
> I never worked out what was causing the problem. The details of the errata
> said it was fixing things in the USB/OHCI area so I opened a bug report
> Red Hat on this issue -
> Phil
> Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
> Pour se désinscrire :

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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