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thanks for your answers. Please find my comments bellow.
I have downloaded speedtouch 1.3 yesterday, when it was released, and i
must say that the speedtouch 330 is now WORKING FINE in 2.6.5 (Fedora
Core1) !
It seems that some issues with the recent kernels may have been fixed.
I will try the kernel module and ill report how it went.

 Fri, 2004-06-11 at 07:59, Duncan Sands wrote:

> Hi Sergio,
> > Duncan and all, can anyone explain why there is a problem with speedtouch 330 in 
> > kernels 2.6.3 and newer? 
> What problem?  Can you please be more precise.
> > I was looking at but they also have no clear 
> > explanation.
> > I doubt that these newer kernels implement USB core the wrong way...
> The USB core gets changed all the time and sometimes mistakes are made.  So it could 
> be wrongly
> implemented.  But most likely is that the core follows the standard but the hardware 
> does not.  This
> happens a lot: some manufacturers test whether their hardware works with windows, 
> not whether it
> implements the standard correctly.  It is then a real pain to work out why things 
> aren't working with
> linux.

Ok, that wouldn't surprise me too much :)

> > Is the problem in the module itself, if so, why?
> There is almost certainly nothing wrong with the module.
> > Is the problem in pppd, as somenone mentioned in the internet?
> Who mentioned it, what did they mention?[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05304.html

These are the links that i have saved concerning recent linux problems,
the second link mentions pppd but in fact it was another thread in some
forum which i cannot now remember the right link.. also, please check
the last link where it talks about patching a line in usb core kernel
source file...
someone also said about patching modem_run in a define (first link).

> > The kernel module, why doesn't it work correctly?
> It does.  Most problems come from usbfs (used by modem_run to upload the firmware) 
> or from a mistake
> in the core (core problems usually get fixed fast).  In fact most of my spare time 
> right now is spent on getting
> usbfs working better.

I asked this because i was unable to use the kernel module. My problem
was loading the firmware with the module loaded, which failed... i made
a search and i saw many people complaining about this and telling that
the module should not be loaded while loading the firmware...(??)

> > Sorry for asking all these questions again but there are no clear answers for 
> > these, neither in the FAQ neither in the forums... there seems to be a lot of 
> > confusion on these matters.
> Ciao,
> Duncan.

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Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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