Thanks for your feedback.

Benoit PAPILLAULT wrote:

> <>Hi Frédéric!
> RUAUDEL Frédéric a écrit :


> <>
> 1) speedtouch_clean_mutex.patch
> This patch fix a problem with the new mutex system of modem_run. When
> you stop modem_run, the mutex is not cleaned so when you try to start it
> up again, modem_run just print in /var/log/messages :
>You undo my change in a way. The mutex is designed to be kept in memory 
>forever (you can remove it if the modem is unplugged, but this currently 
>lead to some race conditions, so it's never removed). If you remove it, 
>speedtouch-start will not work properly (if your stop the connection 
>with speedtouch-stop and start it again using speedtouch-start, the 
>mutex prevents modem_run from loading the firmware again).

So, it's a feature ;-)

Maybe it could be helpful to had a message indicating that modem_run 
found that the firmware was already loaded and skip its work. After 
reflexion, I maybe found this solution following a false problem, 
because my first RPM have replaced my peer file so my login wasn't set 
and the connection failed. As I didn't notice that first, maybe I was 
disturbed by this behavior. If I have time, I will try to investigate on 
this problem to see if it was a false issue or not.

But my solution works thanks to the redundant patch :)

>>modem_run version 1.3 started by root uid 0
>>and then stop without any clue ! After looking at the code I found that 
>>it was the mutex "deadbeef" ;-)
>>So I had an ipcrm in the speedtouch-start script but this is a dirty 
>>hack and I think, if this is a bug and not a feature, that benoit will 
>>certainly find a better solution :)
>What is important is the exit code from modem_run, 0 indicates that the 
>line is OK and -1 indicates that there is some problem.
>>2) speedtouch_check_firmware_load.patch
>>this patch check the state of the ADSL line present in the file 
>>/proc/net/atm/speedtch*, and if the line is reported up and the firmware 
>>loaded, it skip the launch of modem_run and directly launch pppd instead 
>>of failing the load of the firmware and quit.
>Redundant with the modem_run's mutex.
>>3) speedtouch_fix_pppd_pid.patch
>>the last one is probably FC2 specific or maybe a missing configuration 
>>in my pppd package, but my pppd put its PID in /var/run/ and not 
>>in /var/run/ppp-${PPPD_PEER}.pid. So I made this patch to make it work 
>>with my current RPMS.
>>Feel free to tell me where I'm wrong, if I am.
>Two pid files are generated by pppd:
>/var/run/ppp-${PPPD_PEER}.pid [only if you use the "link" option in your 
>peer file).
>The later is easier to locate if you have multiple PPP connections at 
>the same time.
I didn't know this link option that's why I made this patch, but I was 
conscious of the problem with multiple PPP connections. So you just had 
to put 'link' alone on a new line in the peer file to make it works ?
If its the case I will fix my RPM ASAP.


>Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
>Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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