Dear FrÃdÃric, all, 

thanks a lot. 
I'll try to study it :-).
This morning my printer works, and I see it with usbview (I haven't
tried to fix anything).

I am unable to understand what happened. My best explanation is that
something went wrong because I forgot to switch on the printer before to
boot linux. Does it make any sense?
If so,  what should I do  (beside to reboot), when I forget to switch on
the printer?

You know, I am learning linux :-)
My best
I hope I am not annoying anybody.

On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 08:48, RUAUDEL FrÃdÃric wrote:
> Hi mario,
> *snip*
> >-- I used the packages from  If I
> >decide to recompile  the kernel, is i just enough to rpm the basic
> >kernel package or I need to rpm the ppp, atm ones too?
> >  
> >
> You "just" have to recompile the kernel normally. Just get the SRPMS from 
> and recompile it. 
> Follow this steps :
> rpm -ivh kernel....GrumZ.src.rpm
> rpmbuild -bp kernel-2.6.spec
> cp $RPM_SOURCES_PATH/kernel-2.6.5-i686.config 
> $RPM_BUILD_PATH/kernel-2.6.5/linux-2.6.5/.config  
> cd $RPM_BUILD_PATH/kernel-2.6.5/linux-2.6.5/
> make menuconfig
> Add your kernel options (usb printer, etc.)
> Save config
> cp .config $RPM_SOURCES_PATH/kernel-2.6.5-i686.config
> rpmbuild -ba --target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec
> Go take a coffee !
> <>(by default $RPM_SOURCES_PATH=/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/)
> (by default $RPM_BUILD_PATH=/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/)
> (by default $RPM_SPEC_PATH=/usr/src/redhat/SPECS)
> Note: If you don't want to recompile the rpm, you can make your kernel directly 
> after the step "Save config". The patches needed are already applied by the 
> "rpmbuild -bp" command.


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