Jon Levell wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks very much Andrew, altering the resolve.conf fixed the problem.

Good, I'm a bit embarrassed about the method I suggested as it was an 
ugly hack. I better solution is to get pppd to ask the peer it connects 
to for the nameserver by putting the option usepeerdns in 
/etc/ppp/peers/speedtch (or whatever the script is called - if I use the 
speedtouchconf package to set up the userspace driver it calls the 
script adsl). That way pppd will create a file /etc/ppp/resolv.conf with 
the numbers you need and it will get updated every time you connect. All 
you have to do then is put a symbolic link in /etc pointing at 
cd /etc
ln -s ppp/resolv.conf

Sorry for being a balloon,
Yours, Andrew Benton

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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