> Look in /usr/share/doc/speedtouch/
> You should only need to edit 2 files
> /etc/default/speedtouch
> ----------------------------------------------
> #!/bin/sh -e
> # add -k when using the kernel mode driver
> # modem firmware
> FIRMWARE_FILE="/usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o"
> # a PPP peer to call
> PPPD_PEER="speedtouch"
> NET_IF=ppp0
> modprobe -k n_hdlc
> modprobe -k ppp_generic
> modprobe -k ppp_synctty
> modprobe -k ppp_deflate
> modprobe -k bsd_comp
> modprobe -k pppoatm
> ------------------------------------------
> the comment above MODEM_RUN_OPTIONS is wrong -k is added automatically (-k is
> for when you are using the kernel module)
> i added all the modprobes just to be sure
> /etc/ppp/peers/speedtouch
> the ppp file must have the following at the end. the 0.38 is the VP.VC pair
> which will be different for you
> plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.2/pppoatm.so
> 0.38


Just wanted to say thanks for all the tips -- I ended up reinstalling
Sarge to start fresh (I think I'd gotten so mixed up between all the
various instructions that I'd really messed stuff up) and then
following your instructions managed to get it working (I think!)


"Because it's not *always* the quiet ones"

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Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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