----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 8:55 PM
Subject: [speedtouch] Shrike speedbundle-1.0 Error 2 during install

> Getting quite frustrated. I spent a week trying to get a bt voyager 105
> to work with the guys from eci but had to give up - I heard that
> speedtouch 330 supported Linux (or vice versa - in fact the marketing
> website promises Linux but the support site refuses support) . I have
> spent today trying to get speedbundle to work but no joy.
> I am trying to set up an old pentium II as a router. At the moment I
> would be ecstatic to just be able to connect! I have formatted and
> loaded a vanilla Redhat 9 (Shrike) and run speedbundle. I get the error
> below at the end of the output listing. I have tried with a Mandrake
> 10.1 as well with about the same result. I am about to go and park my
> car on a railway crossing!
> Can anyone give me some advice (about the speedtouch adsl setup - not
> railway crossings!)
> Matthew
If you want only a router with a speedtouch 330, you may try with IPCop
distribution v1.4.0, your PII will be largely enough. It will be easier
because nothing need to be compilated.

If you want to try with your bt voyager 105 too, you have to wait v1.4.1
update, I just update to eciadsl-0.10-nortek-alpha today.

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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