Hi all,

Before subscribing to this list i read your archieves and couldn't find 
any solution to my problem. Actually the solution i find is not working 
for me..

My OS is Vector Linux SOHO 5.0.1 (Slackware 10.1 variant)

I've been using Slackware for two years and i'm not new at kernel 
compiling. At first I compiled the speedbundle 1.0 package with 
slackware vanilla 2.4.29 kernel (you know, i cant compile it with 2.6 
series because there's no Rules.make file) After that i compiled a new 
2.6.x kernel. (i write down "x" because i'm upgrading my kernel with 
every first or second new relaese) Now i boot with my 2.6.x kernel and 
after i login to the shell i use this command to become online:

# modem_run -k -f /usr/lib/speedtouch/firmware.bin && sleep 3 && pppd 
call speedtch

There are two points that i dislike with this technique:
1) i need a 2.4.29 kernel source to compile modem_run
2) it takes about 40-60 seconds the above command to successfully 
finalize and connect to the internet.

Two days ago i found out that www.linux-usb.org has been updated with 
telling me new techniques to use my modem. I read the Slackware 10.1 
section and it seems much more logical two use this new technique. So i 
did everything that's writing on the web page, but when i type # pppd 
call speedtch i get this error (from /var/log/syslog)

May 29 12:03:51 SANCTUARY pppd[2695]: connect(8.35): Resource 
temporarily unavailable
May 29 12:03:51 SANCTUARY kernel: usb 2-1: no stage 1 firmware 
found!<7>drivers/usb/atm/usb_atm.c: udsl_atm_open: firmware not loaded 

I assume there's something wrong with the firmware. Btw;

mert:$ ls /lib/firmware/
speedtch-1.bin  speedtch-2.bin

In the mailing list archives i found that someone have had this 
"Resource temporarily unavailable" problem and the answer to him was 
"wait more before the pppd call adsl command". Because of this i don't 
write the pppd... command into the rc.local file and after i login the 
the shell i wait for sometime before i give the command. If you have any 
ideas about what is my problem is or can help me to solve it i'd be very 

Love & Respect

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Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se d�nscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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