I'm using a green (revision 0) 'stingray' Alcatel Speedtouch USB ADSL modem. My 
service provider is Bellsouth, thus I need to use PPPoA and a 8,35 VPI/VCI. I'm 
using Dapper 6.06 LTS. (note - on my XP bootup, I never could get the 
Speedtouch to work either [it worked fine under win98, but not under XP] I have 
to use an Intel Pro/DSL 3200 USB modem which from what I can find is not 
compatible with Linux. The Speedtouch is my only other option for an internet 
connection - I really don't want to have to buy another piece of hardware if I 
can avoid it)

I have followed the http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html 
instructions to the letter. I used the instructions on 
http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html to extract the firmware. 
I tried both sets of firmware with the exact same results. Nada.

Here's what happens:

Initially, left light is flashing red, right light is off.
Upon boot, after the file system is mounted, both lights go solid green. They 
stay solid until the network hardware is loaded then they both blink once 
together and then remain solid green.

That's it.

Upon examining the syslog and messages files this is what I find:

Both firmware files were found (speedtch-1.bin and speedtch-2.bin)
sometimes there is an entry for pppd, sometimes not. If there is, it says 
"authentication failed". (even though I used the noauth command in my speedtch 
script) Additionally ntp reports that ntp.ubuntu.org cannot be found. Also DHCP 
persistently is trying to do something with eth0 - why, I don't know. (yes I 
did use defaultroute and pppoatm.so in my script just as the instructions said 

I followed those instructions EXACTLY; four times. All to no avail.

My [EMAIL PROTECTED] is correct in both my speedtch file and in the pap & chap 
secrets files.

My login password is correct.

The files are stored where the instructions say for them to be stored.

The links are all made correctly. (as far as I can tell, I issued the commands 
but how does one check if the link is there?)

Interestingly there is a file in /etc/ppp/ called pppoe on boot. I didn't put 
it there and I don't know if it is being run or not. It has a modprobe pppoe 
command in it. Just thought I'd let you know. Could it be that this file is 
executing after my speedtch script, thus negating my modprobe pppoatm command?

Also, I read elsewhere that I can dial manually using the PPPoA dialer in 
Applications>System Tools. However, 'System Tools' does not exist as an entry 
in my Applications menu. (ubuntu was installed direct from the CD with no 
errors in case you were wondering) How do I get it there?

I tried to go to Administration>Networking to tell ubuntu to 'dial' using my 
USB modem as I have to do in Windows XP - but Networking will not list anything 
but my regular fax/modem as available hardware - even using the auto detect 
option. **In networking I have a eth0 connection and pppoa connection visible. 
Everytime I startup - no matter what settings I make in networking, they 
default to eth0 being active and pppoa being inactive. pppoa is where I 
attempted to instruct the USB modem to dial, but it was not on the hardware 

I tried to manually call speedtch via the terminal. However, I need to be root 
to do so. When using sudo to set up the modem, all went well, I was asked for 
my password the first time, and that was it. But when attempting to issue a 
sudo call speedtch command, I am asked for my password, and everytime it 
responds "Authentication Failed. Sorry." What gives? Any ideas?

The above was the first post in a thread on Ubuntuforums.  While I did receive 
some assistance there, nothing has worked and I haven't received a reply to my 
last post since late November.  If there is anyone who can help I'd appreciate 
it.  Here is the link to the rest of that thread so you can see the steps that 
have been attempted:  


I did make one last update post earlier today noting that I have seen another 
set of instructions to get the modem to work, but I do not have access to them 
or know if they are for my version of Ubuntu 6.06.

Thanks in advance...

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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