On Mon, 10 Oct 2016, Peter Burdine wrote:

Sphinx tables in latex are inconsistent at the moment.  There is a ticket open 
to use just one package for tables, but right now I think it picks 1 of 4(?) 
packages depending on what it thinks it best.  In all of the documentation we 
write, I always
add :class: longtable to all of the table definitions to allow for (what I 
think) is better layout, plus the header/footer for continuations.

You can format the columns and overall table width using the tabularcolumns 
directive, eg
.. tabularcolumns:: |>{\RaggedRight}p{\dimexpr 0.3\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}
                    |>{\RaggedRight}p{\dimexpr 0.5\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}
                    |>{\RaggedRight}p{\dimexpr 0.2\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}|

Adding that everywhere tends to get annoying quickly, plus is is difficult for 
most people understand what is going on (FYI this produces a table with 3 
columns, all left aligned, with 30%, 50%, and 20% of the page widths).

What else is needed to use this? If I add it, PDF creation halts in the middle, with

  ! Undefined control sequence.
  <template> ...inewidth -2\tabcolsep }\RaggedRight
  l.5169 \textsf

This is sphinx 1.4.6.

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