Hi all,

I don't get german chapternames etc. when I compile my project.

The problem seems to be that lualatex does not know the language ngerman.

I edited the tex-file until I get the desired output.

Here is the diff.

< \documentclass[letterpaper,10pt,ngerman]{sphinxmanual}
> \documentclass[letterpaper,10pt,german]{sphinxmanual}
< \setmainlanguage{ngerman}
> \setmainlanguage{german}
< \addto\captionsngerman{\renewcommand{\figurename}{Abb.}}
< \addto\captionsngerman{\renewcommand{\tablename}{Tab.}}
< \addto\captionsngerman{\renewcommand{\literalblockname}{Quellcode}}
> \addto\captionsgerman{\renewcommand{\figurename}{Abb.}}
> \addto\captionsgerman{\renewcommand{\tablename}{Tab.}}
> \addto\captionsgerman{\renewcommand{\literalblockname}{Quellcode}}
der vorherigen Seite}}
on next page}}
der vorherigen Seite}}
auf der nächsten Seite}}

As you can see I switched from "ngerman" to "german".

And \literalblockcontinuesname is not set to a german string at all.

I think at least the latter issue is a bug.

Is there something special I have to set in conf.py to get the right output?


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