On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 4:14 PM bradley...@gmail.com wrote:
> I am trying to get the same source code to produce both the html pages and a 
> pdf document. I think this is one of the advantages of sphinx ?

Yes it is! But sometimes there are a few unexpected hurdles one has to
overcome ...

> I was not expecting the scope of commands to be different for the two cases, 
> html and pdf.

I hope I can shed a bit of light on this:

As Jean-François said before, if you use \newcommand inside math mode,
the definitions are only visible in the current "scope", in this case
the current math block.

That's just how LaTeX works.

The actual bug is that MathJax doesn't behave like LaTeX in this case.

But there is a way to work around this: The low-level TeX counterpart
to \newcommand is \def, which has the same "scoping rules" as
described above. But there is another command called \gdef, which
defines things that are globally visible.

This is great for your use case, but there is a different problem,
because MathJax doesn't support \gdef by default. But there is a
plugin/extension which can be used, see below.

> I am using a file called preamble.rst to get my definitions for the entire 
> document inside each html page (this includes other commands besides latex 
> command). If I use the latex_elements as suggested above, I have to include 
> the definitions in preamble.rst to build html files and remove them to build 
> latexpdf files. While this doable, it would seem there should be a simpler 
> way.

Some of my colleagues and I came up with a somewhat fiddly solution:

We created an RST file that we can include whenever we need math
definitions (I guess similar to your preamble.rst):


... which looks something like this:


.. raw:: latex

    \marginpar{% Avoid creating empty vertical space for the math definitions

.. rst-class:: hidden
.. math::


    % ... more \gdef stuff...

.. raw:: latex



On each page where we need it, we do this:

.. include:: math-definitions.rst

In order to activate the MathJax plugin mentioned above, we add this
to our conf.py:

mathjax_config = {
    'TeX': {
        'extensions': ['newcommand.js', 'begingroup.js'],  # Support for \gdef


There might be a different way to load those plugins (suggested in
but I have not yet tested this:


.. raw:: latex


.. math::

    % ...


If you try this, please let me know whether it works or not!

> Perhaps I should ask this with another conservation ?
> I have noticed something strange in the latexpdf output (now that I can get 
> it) . The table of contents in the pdf file only seems to include the toctree 
> command in the index.rst file, and not the toctree commands in other files 
> that get included.

For LaTeX output, all toctree commands are collected to create one big
table of contents at the beginning.

There are no local sub-TOCs like in HTML.

That's yet another difference between HTML and LaTeX output ...

To reduce the differences (if you want that), you can use the :hidden:
option which hides the local TOCs also in HTML output. Depending on
the HTML theme (and its settings, something with "includehidden"),
those hidden entries might be visible in the sidebar or not.

> I am using the Read The Docs theme and the htm_theme_options has 
> 'titles_only' is set to True.

The HTML theme shouldn't affect the LaTeX output (but it might
sneakily run some extension code ... so you never know).


> On Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 12:16:22 AM UTC-7 jfbu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Le 12/08/2020 à 14:19, bradley...@gmail.com a écrit :
>> > The index.rst file below demonstrates that \newcommand does not work with 
>> > latexpdf.
>> >
>> > ------------ Below is my conf.py file ------------------------
>> > # For conf.py documentation see
>> > # http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/config
>> > #
>> > project   = 'newcommand'
>> > extensions = [
>> >     'sphinx.ext.mathjax',
>> > ]
>> > ------------- Below is my index.rst file -------------------------
>> > Problem With \newcommand in latexpdf
>> > ####################################
>> > This file builds just file,
>> > and displays as intended, with ``make html``,
>> > but with ``make latexpdf`` it generates and
>> > ``Undefined control sequence.`` error for the
>> > macro ``\B``.
>> >
>> > Define Latex Macro
>> > ******************
>> > ``:math: \newcommand{\B}[1]{{\bf #1}}``
>> > :math:`\newcommand{\B}[1]{{\bf #1}}`
>> >
>> > Use Latex Macro \B
>> > ******************
>> > ``:math: f : \B{R} \rightarrow \B{R}``
>> > :math:`f : \B{R} \rightarrow \B{R}`
>> >
>> the LaTeX has scope limiting constructs such as "environments"
>> but also equations, inclusive of inline mathematics
>> (delimited in the file in LaTeX mark-up produced by make latex by \( ... \) 
>> delimiters)
>> you must locate the \newcommand outside of such scope delimited location
>> either via
>> .. raw:: latex
>> \newcommand{\B}[1]{{\bf #1}}
>> before it is used (and only once)
>> or in conf.py
>> latex_elements = {
>> 'preamble': r"\newcommand{\B}[1]{{\bf #1}}",
>> }
>> which is a priori better location, recommended for that usage.
>> Once this is done do not put any other \newcommand{\B} as this will generate 
>> an error.
>> Notice that \bf mark-up has been deprecated by LaTeX developers
>> and perhaps {\mathbf{#1}} is more legit
>> latex_elements = {
>> 'preamble': r"\newcommand{\B}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}",
>> }
>> or, if you use xelatex with unicode-math, perhaps \symbf
>> Besides LaTeX normative gurus will try to discourage you to define a 
>> one-letter
>> command such as \B. (the rationale being that depending on language perhaps
>> the one-letter command has a meaning already ; anyway if it does the 
>> \newcommand
>> will then raise an error so you will know).
>> Jean-François
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