My 78 spit is running horribly. It accelerates poorly and even revs slowly in neutral. It cruises Ok on flat ground, but if there is a hill or any acceleration is called for, it just bogs down. Gas mileage has plummeted from about 27mpg to about 18-20mpg.

Car has stock Stromberg single carb and Alison electronic ignition.

What Ive done so far

Adjusted fuel mixture over full range.
Replaced carb diaphragm
Adjusted float level.
Sprayed carb cleaner all over looking for vacuum leak
Swapped carb needle with spare carb.
Swapped air valve with spare carb.
Swapped entire carb with spare carb.
Set timing and valve clearance.
Cleaned and regapped spark plus and replaced with new NGK spark plugs
Replaced dist cap, rotor and ignition wires (new not available locally. Replaced with used ones that were working when replaced as normal maintenance).
Swapped air filter assembly in case holes werent lining up properly.
Ran hose straight from valve cover to carb bypassing evaporative system in case it was acting up.
Replaced distributor with old point unit in case electronic ignition was acting up.
Ran a jumper wire directly from solenoid to coil in case there was a wiring problem.

Vacuum gauge is steady at 18 inches. I dont have a compression gauge.

The really weird thing is that the last time I adjusted the floats, the car suddenly began running better (although still a little weak) even though the adjustment was very small. After about a week, without me doing anything, the car reverted to back to the poor running.

Is it possible that I have a wiring problem somewhere thats bleeding off voltage from the coil on an intermittent basis? It just "feels" like weak spark to me. How/where would I look or test for this? I did make sure that all the connections were tight at the coil.

Im really stumped and would appreciate any suggestions!

Thank you!

Greg Rowe

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