
>> Please elaborate about the real deployment. Where was it deployed? In what 
>> kind of networks? On what scale? For which use cases?
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-matsushima-spring-srv6-deployment-status-01<https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-matsushima-spring-srv6-deployment-status-01>
>> I don't like the design of the current solution, and you seem to suggest 
>> that I have to stall work on what I would like until you have what you would 
>> like *. That doesn't work for me.

I kinda have my own issues with a draft like the one referenced – since – in my 
view – within the IETF – we create technical documents – that either document a 
standard, or an experimental technology/protocol, or document particular use 
cases and information related to that.

This draft in my view – doesn’t really fit into any of that.  To be entirely 
blunt, I fail to see why we are adopting documents that are nothing more than 
marketing spin for a particular protocol or set of protocols.  If a protocol or 
standard has a use case within operators – then let the operators state their 
case and bring people towards the standard for solid technical base, rather 
than creating a document that says “oh look some people are using this”.

Furthermore – Much of the discussion of late has been around the network 
programming draft – and the insertion of headers – with some limited discussion 
on the uSID stuff.  Reading this document – I see no reference to either – the 
document seems to be pretty specific to SRH – which does not even sit within 
the spring working group – but rather in the 6man working group.  Hence, I find 
this whole document rather bizarre.

But – that’s just my 2c


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