> On Wed, 11 Sep 2019, 14:21 Satoru Matsushima, <satoru.matsush...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 11 Sep 2019, 13:46 Satoru Matsushima, 
>>>> <satoru.matsush...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Aijun,
>>>>> But the concept of SRv6+ is more clear than the SRv6(topology/service 
>>>>> instruction separation;
>>>> The SR architecture never require such things. See RFC8402:
>>>> “Abstract
>>>> Segment Routing (SR) leverages the source routing paradigm. A node steers 
>>>> a packet through an ordered list of instructions, called "segments". A 
>>>> segment can represent any instruction, topological or service based.”
>>>> “3.1.3. SRv6 
>>>>  When SR is used over the IPv6 data plane: 
>>>>  o A Prefix-SID is an IPv6 address. 
>>>>  o An operator MUST explicitly instantiate an SRv6 SID. IPv6 node 
>>>> addresses are not SRv6 SIDs by default.”
>>>>> different instruction carried in different IPv6 EH).  It conforms to 
>>>>> RFC8200 as well, seems will be less resisted within 6man WG.
>>>> SRH conforms RFC8200.
>>> This SPRING WG draft does not.
>> My point was on SRH. Good to see you have no comment on that.
> Packet structures aren't protocol definitions.

Interesting. I never thought like that thorough witness on lots of design work 
and discussion in IETF to define bits-n-bytes over the wire. 

>>> draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming-01
>>> It is referring to the ID which has not been adopted by 6man, has been 
>>> ignoring many of the points brought up about it by 6man, and has proposed 
>>> Information status.
>>> draft-voyer-6man-extension-header-insertion-05
>>> I would think that a Standards Track ID/RFC cannot depend on an 
>>> Informational ID/RFC for any formal functionality.
>> Fine.
>> —satoru
>>>>> Will such enhancements accelerate the deployment of SR related 
>>>>> technologies in service provider network? Anyway it is called SRv6+ J.
>>>> SRH has already accelerated SRv6 deployments. 
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> —satoru
>>>>> We have our own solutions for the similar scenarios that the SR 
>>>>> technologies aims to solve, but will also keep eye on the advance of 
>>>>> SR/SRv6/SRv6+ technologies.
>>>>> Best Regards.
>>>>> Aijun Wang
>>>>> China Telecom
>>>>> 发件人: spring-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org] 代表 Robert 
>>>>> Raszuk
>>>>> 发送时间: 2019年9月11日 1:34
>>>>> 收件人: Sander Steffann
>>>>> 抄送: Ron Bonica; SPRING WG List; Andrew Alston; James Guichard; Shraddha 
>>>>> Hegde; Rob Shakir; Zafar Ali (zali); Voyer, Daniel
>>>>> 主题: Re: [spring] Going back to the original question for the Spring WG 
>>>>> (was: Re: Beyond SRv6.)
>>>>> Hi Sander,
>>>>> You keep saying SRv6 is complex. But it is only as complex as you are 
>>>>> going to make it or as you will need it to be. 
>>>>> No one is mandating you to do any network programming or to use multiple 
>>>>> TLVs. If you just need to use SR for basic TE you insert one or two SIDs 
>>>>> and you are done. If you want to also enable L3VPN you configure it in 
>>>>> pretty much identical way regardless if this is SRv6 or SRv6+. 
>>>>> I know I am not going to convince you, but just for the record it is worh 
>>>>> to note that what get's send on the wire is only the information what you 
>>>>> as the vendor need. The fact that spec has prepared encoding to also be 
>>>>> useful for not only you but other operators does not make the solution 
>>>>> "complex".  Otherwise we will end up with protocol per customer which 
>>>>> would be pretty bad I am afraid. 
>>>>> See many people say BGP is complex .... and it is the same here - BGP is 
>>>>> as complex as you require it to be. You can enable BGP 1/1 with 4 lines 
>>>>> of config. But if you need other address families if you need fancy 
>>>>> policy you have all required tools for that on your keyboard. 
>>>>> - - - 
>>>>> Now point about SRv6+ ... see writing a drafts for it easy, Further even 
>>>>> writing interop draft with SRv6 is also not that complex - day or two and 
>>>>> you submit. But please tell me why any vendor who has been working in 
>>>>> open IETF process on any new service for over 5 years now would have to 
>>>>> put a lot of development resources on the table to develop data plane and 
>>>>> control plane enhancements for essentially subset of functionality at 
>>>>> best ? 
>>>>> It is nothing about anyone's good will or not ... it is all about limited 
>>>>> resources. Features and extensions are not added to any vendor based on 
>>>>> the RFC translation engine. It is pretty difficult and painful process. 
>>>>> So without huge market demand behind it I would be highly surprised if 
>>>>> any vendor who committed to SRv6 already would now take real on support 
>>>>> for SRv6+.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> R.
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 6:21 PM Sander Steffann <san...@steffann.nl> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> > No. And that is why I want SRv6+ to move forward, to avoid getting 
>>>>> > trapped in the SRv6 walled garden.
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > The way IETF works (at least in vast majority of WGs) is that if you do 
>>>>> > not like a specific element of a solution or if something is missing 
>>>>> > from any solution during WG process - you contribute to it to either 
>>>>> > fix it or to make sure the WG product is the best possible.
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > So nothing prevented you for all the years IETF has been dealing with 
>>>>> > SRv6 process to take an active part in its standardization.
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > Asking for adoption of solution which brings nothing new to already 
>>>>> > shipping solution of SR-MPLS when it would travel over IPv4 or IPv6 is 
>>>>> > at best counterproductive.
>>>>> No, something that today can do the same as SR-MPLS but over IPv6, with 
>>>>> lots of space for future expansion, is something I like to see. Using 
>>>>> IPv6 instead of MPLS already gives the benefit of unifying transport 
>>>>> technologies. I'm not waiting for something feature packed with so many 
>>>>> knobs and "special" (read: header insertion, bit shifting etc) that it 
>>>>> will be much harder to work with.
>>>>> > It is like now you would be asking to adopt some individual drafts 
>>>>> > which woke up and defined new data plane and new control plane for 
>>>>> > services you are running in your network - and call those MPLS+, 
>>>>> > L2VPN+, L3VPN+ and mVPN+ without any new functionality.
>>>>> That "without any new functionality" isn't exactly true either…
>>>>> > Would it make sense ?
>>>>> If those data plane and control plane drafts provide an easier way to do 
>>>>> those things? Most definitely yes.
>>>>> It's the measuring progress by how many features and "cool" things are 
>>>>> added that is a problem here. Progress also include making technology 
>>>>> easier to manage, easier to understand, easier to debug, more accessible 
>>>>> to average network engineers.
>>>>> Antoine de Saint Exupéry was right: “Perfection is achieved, not when 
>>>>> there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take 
>>>>> away.”
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Sander
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