
I am a bit confused (not unusual). Can you get back to basics on my questions 

On 07-Dec-19 11:23, Andrew Alston wrote:
> Ole - so - let me understand something.
> The definition of consensus - among other things - say that all outstanding 
> objections have been addressed (though not potentially resolved).  When you 
> have multiple people saying - a draft violates RFC8200 and that is a concern 
> - 

Are you referring to draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming-05?

If not, the subject header of this thread is a bit confusing.

If so, why are you asking Ole? The WG last call is in the spring WG, with a 
courtesy copy to 6MAN.

> and if such a thing is required, an update to RFC8200 should be done.

Why does that follow? Alternatively, draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming 
could acknowledge that it deviates from RFC8200. Whether that's acceptable 
would be a question for the IETF Last Call rather than any single WG.

At the moment, the draft only mentions RFC8200 in a context that discusses 
neither insertion nor removal of extension headers, which is beside the point. 
Like draft-voyer, if it describes a violation of RFC8200, shouldn't that be 
explicit in the text?

There's a lot of jargon in draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming. I can't 
tell from the jargon whether "insert" means "insert on the fly" and whether 
"Pop the SRH" means "delete on the fly". Should those terms be clarified before 
the draft advances?

> Multiple concerns have been raised - a number of which have not been 
> addressed to the satisfaction of those asking the questions.
> Yet - we now see documents being pushed through to last call 

Erm, that's what Last Call is for - finding the things that haven't been 
settled. But for draft-ietf-spring-*, it's the spring WG chairs you should be 
asking, IMHO.


> without these things being addressed.  So I would ask - what exactly do you, 
> as a working group chair propose we do - swallow our technical concerns and 
> our objections and because we've said it once, and it's been ignored or swept 
> under the rug, shrug our shoulders and say - oh well - that’s ok - we tried - 
> and let something we believe to be technically flawed sail through?
> I stood and very clearly stated multiple times that I believe that work on 
> this stuff and the drafts which I am co-author on should continue in parallel 
> - because for one - I believe in some ways - they address different things - 
> yet - at the same time - that does not mean that I believe that we should 
> accept things which we have deep technical concerns about.  
> The engineering must come first - and it seems very clear to me that both 
> myself and others - have significant technical and operational concerns - and 
> I find it rather bizarre that you seem to imply that once these concerns are 
> stated once - we should swallow it and accept a situation where these are not 
> addressed and documents are shoved through to last call in the face of 
> serious technical objection.
> So - please - clarify for me - are you asking us to swallow our objections 
> and just accept something that violates another rfc for which there is 
> consensus just because we asked once, and the issue wasn't addressed - so 
> that makes it somehow disappear?  Or what exactly are you expecting of us?
> Andrew
> On 07/12/2019, 01:02, "Ole Troan" <> wrote:
>     > On 6 Dec 2019, at 22:09, Fernando Gont <> wrote:
>     > 
>     > I don't think there is much room for interpretation here, but anyway I
>     > should ask: are you suggesting that I have attacked or been attacking
>     > the process?
>     I would rather say taking advantage of the process.
>     By reiterating the same assertive arguments again and again you 
> contribute to polarization. Your strategy for consensus building seems to be 
> one of attrition. 
>     If you want to help make the process work, I would encourage you to 
> reconsider that approach.
>     Ole
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