
Linda Dunbar

From: spring <<>> On 
Behalf Of<>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2019 11:54 AM
To: SPRING WG <<>>
Subject: [spring] draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming - 2 week Early 
Allocation Call


This begins a 2 week Early Allocation call for a "Ethernet" value from the 
"Protocol Numbers" registry.<><><>

In parallel of the Working Group Last Call which is currently running, the 
authors are requesting for early code point allocation from IANA as 
implementations are under way.

The criteria for early allocation are:

   a.  The code points must be from a space designated as "RFC

       Required", "IETF Review", or "Standards Action".  Additionally,

       requests for early assignment of code points from a

       "Specification Required" registry are allowed if the

       specification will be published as an RFC.

   b.  The format, semantics, processing, and other rules related to

       handling the protocol entities defined by the code points

       (henceforth called "specifications") must be adequately described

       in an Internet-Draft.

   c.  The specifications of these code points must be stable; i.e., if

       there is a change, implementations based on the earlier and later

       specifications must be seamlessly interoperable.

   d.  The Working Group chairs and Area Directors (ADs) judge that

       there is sufficient interest in the community for early (pre-RFC)

       implementation and deployment, or that failure to make an early

       allocation might lead to contention for the code point in the


I believe the above conditions are met. (minus the AD judgement which is 
further down in the process)

As a reminder, this topic has mainly been discussed following IETF 105 
(Montréal) both during the meeting and on the mailing list.

During IETF 106 it has been discussed in the IntArea WG.<>

Note that this code point is not to be specific to SRv6. Depending on AD 
guidance, this specific code point even be moved from 
draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming into a specific 1 page draft.

If you support early adoption,  please include "support" along with any 
comments about the draft's technical solution.

If you do not support early allocation, please include "no support" in your 
email and indicate why.

Thank you,



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Thank you.
spring mailing list

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