Dear IPPM (and SPRING) participants,

I'm solliciting interest in a new network monitoring metric which allows to 
detect and locate congested interfaces. Important properties are

  *   Same scalability as ICMP ping in the sense one measurement relation 
required per monitored connection
  *   Adds detection and location of congested interfaces as compared to ICMP 
ping (otherwise measured metrics are compatible with ICMP ping)
  *   Requires Segment Routing (which means, measurement on forwarding layer, 
no other interaction with passed routers - in opposite to ICMP ping)
  *   Active measurement (may be deployed using a single sender&receiver or 
separate sender and receiver, Segment Routing allows for both options)

I'd be happy to present the draft in Vancouver. If there's community interest. 
Please read and comment.

You'll find slides at

Draft url:


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