On 26/2/20 11:15, Andrew Alston wrote:
+1 Sander.

Furthermore – if indeed that is the contention – then – I suggest you move the whole thing out of SPRING – I quote from the SPRING charter:

/The Source Packet Routing in NetworkinG (SPRING) Working Group is the////home of Segment Routing (SR) using MPLS (SR-MPLS) *_and IPv6 (SRv6)._*/*/__/*

Relevant portion in bold.

You can claim that SRv6 is a new routing header – you cannot claim that it is not part of IPv6 – the IPv6 base header is maintained – you are adding a routing header – done/done – no point even entertaining this line of thought any further

The fact that this is still going on is at least alarming.

Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
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